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English for Finance.doc
1.81 Mб

1. Read and translate the dialogue in pairs where the characters make comments about the particular situation. Note down the expressions in Italics. Be ready to use them in your own dialogues.

Mr. Brown, the executive manager of a huge International Company, meets Mrs. Josefina Culton, chief director of the same company. They discuss the urgent problems of the company connected with the credit risk.

Mr. Brown: Good afternoon, Mrs. Culton!

Mrs. Culton: Good afternoon, Mr. Brown! I have been waiting for you. I know that we have a lot of problems to solve. What should we start with? Is there any particular matter to discuss first?

Mr. Brown: You know that not so long ago our company invested the failing enterprise. It was a promising business; thanks to our debt investment the enterprise was to overcome the failure and to avoid the default. But under contemporary circumstances I believe it is impossible.

Mrs. Culton: I understand your apprehension. The economic crisis creates a serious danger for business. But still I consider the enterprise to be able to repay the amount of the loan, including all finance charges and related fees. And at last we have already counted the degree of credit risk on the transaction conducted.

Mr. Brown: I agree with you, but we should at least minimize the level of risk associated with this business operation.

Mrs. Culton: Yes. In this very case the level of risk is very low and thus considered acceptable. Am I right?

Mr. Brown: You are. But the situation in the country is quite unstable and everything can be changed. It is important to explore all relevant factors before assuming any degree of credit risk. Failure to do so can result in a loss to a lender or bond investor that may be significant. And what do we have? Have we taken into account the changes in the economic environment of the country?

Mrs. Culton: Mr. Brown, according to our calculations the stability of the country's economic environment in this very case gives only 10 % of conviction in the benefit of this transaction. The rest of it is supported by internal factors. Is this percentage worth loosing the shares of the enterprise? If yes, we'll reconsider the terms of the agreement.

Mr. Brown: Mrs. Culton, to take into account all the consequences of the agreement is my first consideration.

Mrs. Culton: I know, Mr. Brown. Thank you for your being so responsible! But in this case we have no reasons to worry.

Mr. Brown: I'm just trying to fulfil my duty. I am glad there is no a profound risk for our company. See you later, Mrs. Culton.

Mrs. Culton: See you later, Mr. Brown! Thank you very much!

2. Read the dialogue, translate the Ukrainian remarks into English and act it out:

Foreigner: Good afternoon!

The guide: Добрий день, Мр. Джоунс! Я чекав на Вас. У нас не дуже багато часу, а ми повинні встигнути роздивитися завод. З чого почнемо? Чи Ви маєте оглянути конкретні відділи?

Foreigner: You know I am the chief manager of the company that has quite a promising business. Here I am to share the experiences, to improve my practically applied knowledge. That's why I would like to see your main office, if you follow.

The guide: Так, я вас розумію! Але за даними обставинами це не найкращий варіант, бо я не можу вам допомогти. Розумієте, керівництво нашого заводу профінансувало проект, що призвів до великих грошових витрат.

Foreigner: I agree with you, but I can help them at least to minimize the level of risk associated with this business operation. I'm quite a good specialist in this sphere.

The guide: Дякую, що пропонуєте свою допомогу! Але на сьогодні я лише Ваш гід! Вам не треба турбуватися, у нас працюють досвідчені спеціалісти, які виправлять всі помилки. Наше з вами завдання – проаналізувати процес виробництва та оглянути завод. Почнемо?

Foreigner: I believe yes! It'll be a very nice excursion. Sorry for my being so persistent. Let's start!

The guide: Нічого, Мр. Джоунс. Тоді почнемо! Спочатку я ознайомлю вас із виробничим відділом…

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