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03. Пособие.doc
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  1. Заполните пропуски соответствующими модальными глаголами:

You not be late for classes.

You must not be late for classes.

  1. The law students go to the library and read these new books.

  2. … this lawyer speak Russian?

  3. … I have a book at your lessons.

  4. The officers follow this instruction.

  5. The text is easy. You not use a dictionary.

  6. My brother speak two foreign languages.

  7. I return the book to the library today.

  8. … I use your pen?

  9. She not speak. She is only 1 year old.

  1. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the use of the modal verbs.

1. Must we copy this text? – No, you needn’t. But you must copy these exercises. 2. She shouldn’t be so rude. 3. The children oughtn’t to eat so much chocolate. 4. It must be very dull to read this book. 5. He was to attend the lectures. 6. The train is to arrive at 10 p.m. 7. We shall have to discuss our problems. 8. You should wait for her. She doesn’t know the town. 9. She was allowed to go home. 10. Will you be able to solve all these problems? 11. A conversation with the witness might help the detective to find a clue to the mystery. 12. You should learn the rules. 13. The problem must be discussed right now. 14. The work must be finished by 5 p.m. 15. It cannot be denied that his work is a success.

  1. Переведите предложения.

  1. Вы должны работать в лаборатории.

  2. Они не могут перевести этот текст.

  3. Он может написать этот диктант.

  4. Я могу вам помочь?

  5. Ты должен пойти в суд.

  6. Они должны быть хорошими юристами.

  7. Вы не должны задавать много вопросов.


Словообразование: суффиксы глаголов; приставки.

Местоимения some, any, no.

  1. Прочтите слова, соблюдая ударения.









  2. Запомните суффиксы глаголов. Прочтите слова.


    to qualify, to notify, to justify, to classify


    to strengthen, to shorten, to widen

    -ize (ise)

    legalize, activize, neutralize, organize, advise


    to nominate, to regulate, to relate, to dictate

  3. Образуйте слова с помощью приставок и переведите их.

re- [rו]

to form (формировать)

  • to reform (реформировать)

to make, to name, to build, to construct, to read, to write.

un- [^n]

usual (обычный)

  • unusual (необычный)

equal, able, known, satisfied, comfortable

in- (im-, il-, ir-)

legal (законный)

  • illegal (незаконный)

dependent, moral, regular, possible, famous, definite, personal

co- [ku]

operation (действие)

  • co-operation (сотрудничество)

existence, relation, worker, operator, education, ordination


defence (оборона)

  • self-defense (самооборона)

government, criticism, determination, murderer, respect, help


to agree (соглашаться)

  • to disagree (не соглашаться)

ability, appear, to unite, to cover, order, to trust


national (национальный)

  • international (международный)

state, continental, change, communication, connection, medium


interference (вмешательство)

  • non-interference (невмешательство)

fulfilment, human, intervention, judicial, national


large (большой)

  • to enlarge (увеличивать)

able, force, close, chain, charge, act, sure

post- [pust]

war (война)

  • post-war (послевоенный)

electoral, revolutionary, position, script, graduate

pre- [prו]

war (война)

  • pre-war (довоенный)

revolutionary, electoral, establish, existent, caution