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03. Пособие.doc
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  1. Запомните суффиксы прилагательных. Прочтите и переведите слова.


    active, preventive, expressive, decisive


    changeable, punishable, disputable


    terrible, responsible


    musical, practical, local, central, political


    important, different, present, innocent


    wooden, silken


    useful, successful, peaceful, powerful, careful


    heroic, economic, atomic, democratic


    childish, selfish


    harmless, homeless, useless, tactless, groundless


    cloudy, windy, wavy, stormy


    famous, dangerous, glorious, autonomous


    primary, obligatory, advisory, revolutionary

  2. Определите часть речи.


  • adjective



  • noun


to punish

  • verb



  • adverb


repression, activity, offender, less, nearly, to involve, criminality, regulation, to ask, translation, greatly, useful, jobless, punitive, basic, to write, reader, historical

  1. Определите степень сравнения прилагательных и переведите их.


  • positive

  • великий


  • comparative

  • лучше

most dangerous

  • superlative

  • наиболее опасный

least, more popular, most serious, worst, less, important, more interesting, most comfortable, less useful, far.

Modal Verbs and equivalents (Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты)

can=be able to

may=be allowed to

must=have to =be to

мочь, уметь (физическая возможность, умственная способность)

можно, возможно


должен, нужно (обязанность, необходимость)



I can speak English.

Can I speak English?

Yes, I can. No, I cannot (can't)

I cannot (can't) speak English.

He may come at 6 p.m.

May he come at 6 p.m.?

Yes, he may. No, he may not.

He may not come at 6 p.m.

She must go there.

Must she go there?

Yes, she must.

No, she needn't.

She must not go there.


Модальные глаголы can, may, must:

  • используются с инфинитивом без to;

  • не изменяются по лицам и числам;

  • отрицательные и вопросительные предложения образуются без вспомогательных глаголов;

  • отрицание cannot пишется слитно.

  1. Переведите предложения.

  1. He cannot play football.

  2. They must not go to the North.

  3. You may visit our grandmother.

  4. Can you ask a question?

  5. You will have to read English books.

  6. I can't translate this text.

  7. You were allowed to go to the library.

  8. He is able to do this report.

  9. We have to stay after classes and work in the lab.

  10. May I smoke here? – I am sorry, but you mustn't.

  1. Заполните таблицу по образцу.



Our students can read English

Can our students read English?

Our students cannot read English.

You may go home.

Must I be at the University?

You may not take this book.

She can meet him on Sunday.

My friends cannot play chess.

Must I meet a judge now?

I can't help them.

You have to do this work.

Am I allowed to ask you?

I'll be able to help you.