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Subgroups of the infectious diseases

There are four subgroups of the infectious diseases. Intestinal infections compose the first subgroup. They are spread through the intestines and stools. Dysentery is an example.

The infections of the respiratory tract compose the second group. They are spread during coughing and talking. The diseases of this subgroup are diphtheria, smallpox and others.

The diseases of the third subgroup are spread through the skin and mucosa. Herpes and lichen (лишай) are the examples.

Blood infections compose the fourth subgroup. These diseases are spread by insects. Encephalitis is an example.

Ex. 18. Make up a dialogue using the following sentences:

Have you had direct contact with a sick infected person?

Чи був у вас контакт з інфікованим хворим?

Have you been inoculated against tetanus?

Чи є у вас щеплення проти правця?

Avoid contact with an infected patient. You may get infected.

Уникайте контакту з інфікованим хворим. Ви можете інфікуватися.

This vaccine confers immunity against … .

Ця вакцина викликає імунітет проти … .

Revaccination must be done in 5 years.

Повторне щеплення (ревакцинація) повинна проводитись через 5 років.

The patient must be isolated.

Хворого потрібно ізолювати.

Decontaminate the patient’s discharge.

Проведіть знезараження виділень хворого.

Treat the patient’s hair with antiparasitic remedies.

Обробіть волосся хворого протипаразитарними засобами.

The epidemic center has been liquidated. The epidemic (pandemic) has abated.

Епідемічне вогнище знешкоджено. Епідемія стихла.


The infectious diseases are caused by the following types of organisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and helminthes. So, some infectious diseases are bacterial, some are viral, and still others have other causes. The most common infectious diseases that affect only one organ or body system are: glossitis, oral thrush, salivary gland infections, encephalitis, meningitis, poliomyelitis, trachoma, peritonitis, acute bronchitis, tuberculosis, dermatitis and others. Some diseases affect multiple systems of the body. They are: HIV infections and AIDS, influenza, typhoid fever, tetanus, rabies and others. Common contagious diseases are common viral colds, measles, whooping cough, chickenpox, mumps, diphtheria, and scarlet fever. Parasitic infestations are malaria, tapeworm, trichinosis and others. Some infestations are caused by small insects that attach themselves to the skin and feed off the blood. They are lice, fleas, and ticks. Bacteria and viruses can cause various sexually transmitted diseases. They are gonorrhea, chlamydial infection, syphilis, and herpes.


Immune system


past [pAst] мимо; за, по той бік

defense [dI'fens] захист

humoral ['hju:m(q)rql] гуморальний, опосередкований антитілами

cell-mediated ["sel'medIeItId] клітинно-опосередкований

parasite ['pxrqsQIt] паразит

derive [dI'rQIv] виводити; отримувати; добувати; породжувати

derived [dI'raIvd] похідний, вторинний

thymus gland ['TQImqs 'glxnd] тимус, вилочкова (зобна) залоза

dissolved [dI'zOlvd] розчинений

transparent [trxns'pFqr(q)nt] прозорий

germ [Gq:m] мікроорганізм

recover [rI'kAvq] відновлювати; видужувати suppress [sq'pres] припиняти; стримувати

eliminate [I'lImIneIt] знищувати, ліквідувати

in response to [rIs'pOns] у відповідь на exposure [Iks'pquZq] зараження, контакт з джерелом зараження; стимуляція; експозиція

majority [mq'GOrItI] більшість

encounter [In'kQuntq] наштовхнутися

engulf [In'gAlf] поглинати

fungi (sing. fungus) ['fAnGaI] гриби; грибки

protozoa ["prqutqu'zqu] протозоа, прості одноклітинні тваринні організми

helminth ['helmInT] глист, паразитний глист

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