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Ex. 1. Familiarize yourself with the following material:

Prefixes and term-elements:

inter- (between)

intra- (within)


Ex. 2. Read and translate the following words:

A.Intercellular, interspersed, interdependence; intercostal; interaction; international; interrelate; intermediate; interphase.

B. Intracellular, intravenous; intramuscular; intracranial; intracardiac; intrapleural; intrathoracic; intraspinal.

C. Macrocephalia; macromolecule; macrophage.


Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:

Simple tenses (revision)


Active Voice

Passive Voice


V, V+s

am (is, are) + V3



was (were) + V3


will (shall) + V

will (shall) + be + V3

Ex. 4. Insert the correct forms of the verbs and translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Immune system (to design) by nature millions of years ago to aid the body in recovering from injuries and illnesses. 2. The lymph (to flow) from the capillaries in all parts of the body into the lymphatic vessels. 3. Although we (to inhale) and (to eat) thousands of germs every day, the immune system (to prevent) the spread of various diseases. 4. We (to bear) with a genetically based natural defense system. 5. Diabetes (to occur) when the cells in the pancreas are destroyed. 6. Your immune system (to need) help to function at the highest capacity. 7. Sticky mucus in respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts (to trap) many microorganisms.

Ex. 5. Determine the tense-forms of the predicates in the following sentences:

1. Foreign substances enter the body and cause the manufacture of antibodies. 2. Various bacteria live in the nose and mouth. 3. An anaerobe is a microorganism that can live without oxygen, while an aerobe requires oxygen. 4. Some macrophages are concentrated in the lungs, liver, lining of the lymph nodes and spleen. 5. B cells are produced in the stem cells of the bone marrow. 6. Phagocytes dissolve and destroy bacteria, viruses, and fungi. 7. The lymph nodes are usually distributed in groups.

Reading and developing speaking skills

Ex. 6. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words.

Ex. 7. Compose 3-4 sentences using the words of VOCABULARY.

Ex. 8. Insert the missing letters:

Cell-medi_ted; eng_lf; enco_nter; elimin_te; para_ite; defen_e; e_posure; hum_ral; der_ve; suppre_s.

Ex. 9. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian:

Dissolved; thymus gland; transparent; cell-mediated; fungi; engulf; encounter; eliminate; protozoa; in response to; majority; defense; exposure.

Ex. 10. Read the following words and word-combinations:

Nature; immune; recovering; positioned; lymphoid; hormone; thymus; transparent fluid; antigen; chiefly; defend; category; humoral and cell-mediated; certain; plasma; cell; lymphocyte; phagocyte; engulf; virus; fungi; protozoa; healthy diet.

Ex. 11. Read the following text:

Immune system

The immune system is probably the most important system in the human body. It was designed by nature millions of years ago to aid the body in recovering from injuries and illnesses.

The immune system is a complex of organs, all of which work together to clear infection from the body. The organs of the immune system, positioned throughout the body, are called lymphoid organs. The major parts of immune system are the thymus, spleen, lymph system, bone marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, and hormones. Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes are the parts of the special circulatory system that carries lymph, a transparent fluid containing white blood cells, chiefly lymphocytes.

Although we inhale and eat thousands of germs every day, the immune system prevents them from causing the diseases.

Human body has many mechanisms

The Work of Immune System

that defend the person against infectious organisms. The skin and gastrointestinal tract are the first lines of defense. The human organism has a specific capacity of resistance against infection called immunity. There are two general categories of immune mechanisms: humoral and cell-mediated.

Humoral immunity is based on certain body proteins called antibodies, which are found dissolved in the blood and other body fluids. The antibodies are made by plasma cells, which are derived from certain white blood cells called B lymphocytes (or B cells). The antibodies are produced in response to exposure to a foreign substance. Any foreign substance that enters the body and causes the manufacture of antibodies is called an antigen.

Cell-mediated immunity is based on the actions of phagocytes and other white blood cells. Phagocytes are cells that can dissolve or engulf and destroy viruses, bacteria, fungi, and cells foreign to the body. White blood cells that are involved in this defense are a type of lymphocyte called T cells because they are derived from the thymus gland.

Agents that can invade the human body live everywhere. The majority of these organisms do not produce disease, but some do. The basic types of organisms that cause infectious disease are bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and helminths.

Possible help for the immune system is a healthy diet, with lots of natural sources of vitamins A, C and E, zinc, iron, and vitamin B6.

Ex. 12. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Протозоа, прості одноклітинні тваринні організми; захист; поглинати; знищувати, ліквідувати, анулювати; розчинений; стримувати; тимус|, вилочкова| (зобна) залоза; клітинно-опосередкована; контакт з|із| джерелом зараження; здібність до опору; грунтуватися на; вражати|приголомшувати| організм людини.

Ex. 13. Translate the text “Immune System” into Ukrainian.

Ex. 14. Insert the missing words:

1. The immune system is probably the most important _ in the human body. 2. It is a complex of organs, all of which work together to clear _ from the body. 3. The organs of the immune system are called _ organs. 4. The major parts of immune system are the _, spleen, lymph system, bone marrow, white blood cells, antibodies, and hormones. 5. Human body has many mechanisms that _ the person against infectious organisms. 6. The skin and gastrointestinal tract are the first lines of _. 7. The human organism has a specific capacity of resistance against infection called _ 8. There are two general categories of immune mechanisms: _ and cell-mediated.

Ex. 15. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the immune system? 2. What organs does the immune system consist of? 3. What is the main goal of the immune system? 4. What are the first lines of defense of the person against infectious organisms? 5. What categories of immune mechanisms do you know? 6. What is humoral immunity based on? 7. What is cell-mediated immunity based on? 8. What are the types of organisms that cause infectious disease?

Ex. 16. Match the following terms with their definitions:

1. Antibody

2. Antibody-mediated immunity

3. Humoral immunity

4. Immunity

5. Phagocyte

1. Cell possessing the property of ingesting bacteria, foreign particles, and other cells.

2. Resistance to infectious disease and harmful substances.

3. Immunity due to antibodies.

4. Immunity due to B cells and the production of antibodies.

5. Protein found in the plasma that is responsible for humoral immunity; binds specifically to antigen.

Ex. 17. Insert the missing prepositions (for, into, from, of):

1. The majority _ organisms that can invade the human body do not produce disease, but some do. 2. The basic types _ organisms that cause infectious disease are bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and helminths. 3. Possible help _ the immune system is a healthy diet, with lots of natural sources of vitamins A, C and E, zinc, iron, and vitamin B6. 4. In active artificial immunity an antigen is introduced _ an individual to stimulate his/her immune system. 5. Active natural immunity results _ natural exposure to an antigen.

Ex. 18. Write out key sentences of the text “Immune System”.

Ex. 19. Speak on the immune system.

Ex. 20. Read the following text and compose detailed plan to it:

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