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Education Methodology e

By Sonia Rall

Many of the pedagogical studies in our country are of a very 1) pra_­tical nature. Educators found that 2) reta_ded boys and girls when they first began to live at 3) bo_rding schools were 4) not _ble to get up in the morning and 5) read_ themselves 6) ade_uately for the day's activities. Educational 7) psyc_ologists were called in to solve the problem.

They put the activities in an orderly sequence and devised a series of 1) _______ arranged in order to depict each of the need activities. These were then hung on the 2) _______ as a reminder to the pupils. The first picture showed a boy or a 3) _______ washing, the next — dressing, the next — making the 4) ________ and so on. After each activity was 5) _______ the child covered that picture with a flap and went on to the next. From 6) _______pictures the pupils learned the proper sequence in ten days. After that time the pictures were removed and the youngsters continued the habit patterns in desired 7) _______. The experimenters then devised a procedure for speeding up the process.

There are a number of 1) (studies, studyes) designed to develop the thinking processes of the 2) (retarded, retarding). The instruction in internats tended to be routine in nature with too much time spent on the mechanics of academic and the job, and not enough on mental operation. Some children were actually 3) (given, gave) a model of the object to 4) (studying, study), others were given a picture of the object. Still others were given a schematic drawing. Then the groups were asked to describe a plan of how they 5) (will be, would) go about making the object step by step. Then they were asked to carry out 6) (them, their) plan. Much of this research is still in process.

Спеціальність: Біологія

Текст 1

Завдання до тексту

I. Вставте пропущені букви у словах першого абзацу.

II. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова (heart, acid, cells, develop, substance, genetic, genes) в другому абзаці.

III. У третьому абзаці оберіть правильну граматичну форму.

IV. Складіть план до тексту.

V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

VI. Напишіть анотацію

From the Modern Medicine



By Morgan Felse

People have always been curious about the creator of all animals and plants. However, 1) rese_rch findings have proved that all animals including 2) hum_n beings have evolved from primitive 3) an_estors. In 1859 Charles Darwin put forward his theory of evolution which claimed that all animals 4) c_anged and developed during a continuous process. This process is brought about by the 5) spe_ies gradually adapting to the demands of its 6) enviro_ment, through a gradual 7) _enetic change.

Inside each of our body's cells, there is a complex 1) _________ known as DNA. It looks like a very twisted ladder and its full name is deoxyribonucleic 2) _____. Sections of DNA are known as 3) ______. They give instructions about when different types of cells should develop, and whereabouts in the body they should be. DNA bears the 4) ________ code which is a tremendously complicated set of instructions to the cells in the body, so that they will know how to 5) _______. As a result of these complex instructions, we develop specialized liver cells, 6) _______ cells, hair cells, skin cells, and all other different types of 7) ________ which make up a body.

Larger strands of DNA 1) (is known, are known) as chromosomes. They 2) (arrange, are arranged) in pairs. However, an ovum, a female cell capable of developing into a baby as well as a male cell which 3) (should fertilize, should be fertilized) it has only half of the chromosomes. In this way, when organisms reproduce themselves sexually, the new individual 4) (possesses, possess) characteristics of both parents. The child may 5) (inheriting, inherit) the very best features of its parents and be 6) (healthier, healthiest).

Текст 2

Завдання до тексту

I. Вставте пропущені букви у словах першого абзацу.

II. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова (itself, things, processes, multiply, disease, cells, chemical) в другому абзаці.

III. У третьому абзаці оберіть правильну граматичну форму.

IV. Складіть план до тексту.

V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

VI. Напишіть анотацію.

From the Daily Telegraph
