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Feelings of guilt

By Kulbhushaan Raghuvanshi

I guess almost all of us, at some point of our lives, have 1)exper_enced feelings of guilt. Many people think that having guilt is 2)unhe_lthy, but I believe it's good because when we are guilty we are 3)respon_ible for all the wrong 4)d_eds that we have done. The only thing to fear about guilt is sometimes it just remains inside us which 5 )c_uses a lot of emotional and sometimes 6)p_ysical harm. In most cases guilty feelings are 7) negativ_ emotions which a person feels.

In simple terms you can call guilt the 1) _____ that you pay for your wrong and unacceptable behavior against people and situations. Moral 2)_______and ethics have always been linked to guilt feelings, as humans feels guilty when they do something which is against their 3)___ or beliefs. Feelings of guilt should act as a prompt to stop your wrong 4) ______ that may be causing embarrassment to you or your family. It has also been 5)_____ that guilt, in many cases, does not depend on doing something inconsiderate o 6)____; it can also be a pile of all the things that you've been doing since a long time and you have just started 7)____ it now.

It's very common to have inappropriate guilt feelings which 1) (motivates, motivated) us to make changes about 2) (ourselves, ourself) . Once you 3) (have, has) erred, the feeling of guilt overpowers your mind and heart and you start thinking of new ways on how to deal with guilt. But often, there 4) (are, is, were) times when people feel guilty even when they haven't 5)(done, did) anything wrong. Unusual feelings of guilt come with unhealthy upbringing and some unhappy 6) (memories, memorys) where you've been the target.

Текст 4

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ІІ. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова (NLP, influence, techniques, practitioner , skills, issue, hypnosis)

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IV. Складіть план до тексту.

V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

VI. Напишіть анотацію.

From www.buzzle.com


About nlp By Jeremy Gordon

NLP studies patterns of mind, 1)lan_uage, and strategies (or programs) used by 2) suc_essful people. It is an extremely effective methodology for self development and personal growth. The study of NLP can also be 3) appli_d to other areas of life, such as relationships, 4) effe_tive communication, mental performance, and even 5) at_letic/physical activities. Using NLP techniques and 6) strateg_es, a person can become more motivated, boost sales, and 7) dramaticall_ improve work performance.

Using other NLP 1) ___ can produce dramatic results for many people. By learning the insights, 2) ___ and techniques of NLP and using them in conjunction with the 3) ___ of hypnosis, a 4) ___ can approach issues and concerns from different directions. This allows him or her to work through that 5) ___ more rapidly and more effectively. By learning the insights, skills and techniques of 6) ___ and using them in conjunction with the influence of 7) ___.

Hypnosis is one of NLP 1) (techniques, techniqes). When most people think of hypnosis they 2) (think, thinks) of someone on a stage who hypnotizes audience volunteers 3) (getting, to get) them to do silly or embarrassing things. The truth about hypnosis 4) (are, is) that it is a powerful tool for helping a practitioner deal with many life issues. During hypnosis, a practitioner can lead a client into an altered state 5) (for, of) consciousness that most people describe as like being in a dream. It is a state of very deep relaxation that occurs after a hypnotist guides someone through the process of getting there. 6) (She, It) uses the power of the mind to influence a behavior and attitudes, all without much apparent effort.

Спеціальність: Історія

Текст 1

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I. Вставте пропущені букви у словах першого абзацу.

II. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова (settlements, kniaz, communities, some, tribes, ancient, land) в другому абзаці.

III. У третьому абзаці підкресліть правильну граматичну форму.

IV. Складіть план до тексту.

V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

VI. Напишіть анотацію.

From the History and Theory
