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By Mary Jones

A tractor is a 1) ve_icle specifically designed to deliver a high tractive effort at slow 2) spe_ds, for the purposes of hauling a trailer or 3) mac_inery used in agriculture or construction. Most commonly, the term is used to describe the distinctive farm 4) veh_cle. Agricultural implements may be 5) t_wed behind or mounted on the tractor, and the tractor may also provide a source of power if the implement is 6) mechani_ed. Another common use of the term is for the power unit of a semi-trailer 7) tr_ck.

The most common use of the term is for the 1) ______ used on farms. The 2) ______ tractor is used for pulling or pushing 3) ______ machinery or trailers, for plowing, 4) ______, disking, harrowing, planting, and similar 5) ______. Charles City, Iowa is the birthplace of the farm tractor in the early 1900's by the Hart-Parr 6) ______, later 7) ______ to White Tractor.

Farm implements can be 1) (attaching, attached) to the rear of the tractor by either a drawbar or a three-point hitch. The three-point hitch 2) (was, were) invented by Harry Ferguson and has been standard since the 1960s. Equipment attached to the three-point hitch can 3) (be, being) raised or lowered hydraulically with a control lever. The equipment attached to the three-point hitch is usually completely supported 4) (at, by) the tractor. Another way to attach an implement is via a Quick Hitch, which is attached to the three-point hitch. This enables a single person to attach an implement 5) (more quick, quicker) and put the person in less danger when attaching 6) (a, the) implement.

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From The Threads

13.07. 2008


By Alice Pratt

Linen is a fabric or 1) _arn made from the fiber of flax, probably the first vegetable 2) f_ber known to man. Linens more than 3,500 years old have been 3) rec_vered from Egyptian tombs. Worn by Egyptian, Greek, and Jew­ish priests as a 4) s_mbol of purity, it also typified 5) l_xury as in the phrase "purple and fine linen." 6) Fl_x was cultivated by the Romans and 7) introd_ced by them into north Europe.

Linen became the principal European 1) ______ of the Middle Ages. French Huguenots ex­celled in 2) ______ flax and carried the art 3) ______, notably to Ireland. Ireland is still the largest 4) ______ of fine lin­en, with Belgium and Japan producing somewhat lesser 5) ______. The 6) ______ suffered in relation to cotton because many textile inventions were not applicable to linen, the inelasticity of the fiber causing it to break readily under 7) ______.

Although linen 1) (exceeds, has exceed) cotton in coolness, lus­ter, strength, and length of fiber, the expense of production limits 2) (its, it’s) use. After the flax fiber is removed from the stems, it is 3) (delivering, delivered) to the mills, where it is hackled to separate arid straighten the fibers, overlapped on a spread-board to form a continuous ribbon, drawn out through rollers, then wound from the roving frame on bobbins in a loosely twisted thread. For fine 4) (good, goods) the thread is usually spun wet. Linen may 5) (been, be) bleached in the yarn or in the piece. It is woven into fabrics 6) (ranges, ranging) from heavy canvas to sheer handkerchief linen.

Текст 2

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From The Vogue
