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People and the Sea

By Bill Morton

There is a number of ways that people 1) inter_ct with the sea. Positive ways include recreation. The sea and beaches 2) pr_vide recreational areas for sunbathing, swimming, sailing and fishing. Additionally, the sea brings food from large fish catches by trawlers. Thirdly, large 3) depo_its of fossil fuels, such as oil and 4) na_ural gas, are found under the sea floor. A fourth 5) ad_antage is the transport opportunity offered by the sea for large ships such as supertankers, which carry heavy cargo over long 6) distan_es. Lastly, the sea can be used to produce electricity generated by the incoming and outgoing tide in some 7) es_uaries.

There are also ways in which the sea is 1) ______ to people. Houses, farmland and roads may be undermined and washed 2) ______ when cliffs are eroded by the 3) ______. Secondly, some beaches and sand spits may be 4) ______ during storms. Another problem is caused by huge waves which may cause 5) ______ in low-lying areas during storms. Fourthly, longshore drift may cause a 6) ______ to fill up with sand and silt and ships are unable to continue to use it as a 7) ______.

There are ways in which people attempt 1) (to prevent, preventing) the damage and destruction caused by the sea. Firstly, reinforced concrete walls are 2) (building, built) along the foot of a cliff to reduce the force of waves. Large boulders 3) (have, may) also be placed there for the same purpose. Secondly, groynes are built along the coast to trap sand, creating beaches where there 4) (were, was) erosion originally. Next, dams or dykes are built to keep out 5) (the, ‑‑) sea in low-lying areas. Lastly, jetties (concrete walls) are built at a 6) (harbor’s, harbor) entrance to prevent silting.

Спеціальність: Дефектологія

Текст 1

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From the Times


Special Education

By Richard G. Kaplan

New radical changes were 1) introdu_ed in the education of intellec­tual backward pupils, deaf and 2) du_b children and blind children. From the very first days of its 3) e_istence the government paid much 4) att_ntion to the education and 5) upbr_nging of intellectually back­ward children, deaf and dumb children and blind children. Many 6) speci_l schools were opened and the teaching at these schools is free of 7) char_e.

Among children of school age there is a limited 1) ______which can­not be taught in general, common school; these group includes 2) _______, the blind and intellectually 3) ______ pupils. Various special schools for the education of 4) _______ back­ward children, the blind and the partially sighted, with the 5) ________defects are provided. These children cannot follow the regular school 6) _______ because of their handicaps but they can profit by a restrict­ed and adjusted program. Among these are auxiliary schools 7) ______the children intellectually backward.

In fact the intellectually backward child cannot 1) (to grasp, grasp) even the sim­plest connection and relations between objects and phenomena without the 2) (teachers's helps, teacher's help). The experience 3) (has shown, have showed) that with the creation of certain educational conditions, these children can 4) (acquire, be acquired) elementary skills laid down in a special program. In addition they have vocational education, that is, they 5) (teach, are taught) sewing, knitting, carpentry, metal work, bookbinding and so on. Practical education in agriculture is successfully carried out during the final years in a number of auxilia­ry schools. In order to 6) (will prepare, prepare) pupils for later vocational education, the first classes have handwork lessons, practical activities in the liv­ing-nature corner or the school's experimental garden, and take part in excursions.

Текст 2

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I. Вставте пропущені букви у словах першого абзацу.

II. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова (deaf, divisions, material, experimental, parents, Education, responsibility) в другому абзаці.

III. У третьому абзаці оберіть правильну граматичну форму.

IV. Складіть план до тексту.

V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

VI. Напишіть анотацію.

From the Sun
