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Top List of Best Songs

By William Swan

Any song is 1) eli__ible for this list, but this list mostly consists of rock and 2) ro__l. A list that greatly 3) infl__enced my list is Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs list. I don't quite agree with their 4) s__lections, however, which are mostly from the '50s and '60s and aren't 5) exa__tly timeless. What I'm getting at is that a 6) te__nager who has never heard those 7) son__s before won't like them.

As you 1) ________ know, music today (for the most part) sucks. This stems from the fact that music hasn't 2) ________ at all since the Beatles. How do I know this? Because when I was 15 I heard the Beatles' 1 3) _______, consisting of music made four 4) ______ ago, for the first time and absolutely loved it. Their music is 5) ________ 6) _______ because it isn't really different than the 7) ________ I was used to.

Therefore I like to say that 1) (my, mine) list consists of music "Beatles and beyond." There are a few here and there from before 1963, but not 2) (lots, many). This list would be more appropriately titled the "100 most 3) (timeness, timeless) songs of all time" every song was made before I 4) (am, was) born. I have no idea how the world took in "Be My Baby" by the Ronettes in 1963 because I wasn't around. People 5) (will have, will) always say "you can't know how great a song is unless you were there," but I think it is a greater testament to a song's value if it can 6) (to stand, stand) the test of time to have the same effect in 2006 as it had in 1976.

Спеціальність: Образотворче мистецтво

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From The Mirror

30. 06. 2009                            

Painting Styles

By Jacob Smith

When we speak of painting styles coming and going, we often think in 1) t__rms of a 2) de__ade or so. As painting has developed in the art of man, the lifespan of a given style of painting has decreased in 3) d__ration geometrically. Broadly speaking, the so-called 4) "Renaiss____nce" style of painting spans a hundred years. The 5) ma___nerist style of painting followed for 75 years. While the 6) Baroq__e 7) __ra lasted from 75 to 100 years.

A Madonna and Child 1) ________ painting from the Catacomb of Priscilla in Rome dates from the third 2) _______. It features a sitting Madonna holding a 3) ________Christ on her 4) _______. Stylistically, it is little different from one painted in the 1300's by the Italian 5) ______, Duccio. The Duccio panel is rich of heavy gold leaf, much more 6) ________with the Madonna enthroned in what would appear to be a circular seat that would 7) _________ to have been modelled after the Coliseum.

The third century fresco 1) (presents, present) a halo and actually seems 2) (more, the more) naturalistic than the Duccio’s. Whatever the case, though different, there 3) (was, were) little doubt that stylistically, they are 4) (cut, cuted) from the same cloth thousand-year-old cloth. Pursuing Madonna and child paintings down through Giotto, (a student of Duccio) to Massaccio (a student of Giotto) to his student, Piero Della Francesca we can 5) (watch, to watch) generation by generation as the Byzantine slowly gave birth to the Renaissance like a mother 6) (gives, gave) birth to a child.

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II. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова (paint, mind, expressive, therapy, element, inspiration, words) у другому абзаці.

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From The Guardian
