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Family Social Worker

By Martin Bashir

Job Duties. Family social workers work to 1) impr__ve the social and psychological 2) behavi__r of children and their families. By providing social services and assistance, they 3) at__empt to increase the well-being of children, as well as increase their academic progress. Some work with single parents, while others arrange for adoptions or locate foster homes for children who have been 4) ab__ndoned or neglected. They often work in the school system, helping children deal with such issues as teen 5) pre__nancy, misbehavior, and 6) truan__y. They work with teachers, giving advice on how to deal with 7) chal__enging children in the classroom.

Some family social workers 1) __________ in working with senior citizens, organizing support groups for 2) ________ or for children of seniors. They may give advice to the elderly concerning housing, transportation, and long-term care. They 3) _______ these services for their clients. Family social workers may also work with employees who are experiencing job-related 4) _______ or challenges. They most often work in individual and family service 5) __________, schools or local 6) ________. They are often referred to as child welfare workers, child protective services social workers, 7) _________ social workers, or gerontology social workers. Read More>>

Job Skills. Those interested 1) (for, in) becoming family social workers should 2) (have, has) a number of desirable traits. They need 3) (be, to be) very emotionally stable and mature. They must be able to handle a high degree of 4) (responsibility, most responsibility). They should have the ability to work on an independent basis without supervision. They need to be able to work well in a team 5) (setted, setting) and get along with coworkers. And they need to be able 6) (-, to) inspire trust and respect in their clients.

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From The Times

13. 02. 2007

Social Pedagogics

By Thomas Hood

Social pedagogy is a rather new discipline, comparing with others. Social Pedagogy is an 1) a__ademic discipline concerned with 2) the__ry and practice of 3) hol__stic education and care. The term 'pedagogy' originates from the Greek pais (child) and agein (to bring up, or lead).The prefix 'social' 4) emphas__zes that upbringing is not only the responsibility of parents but a shared responsibility of society. As a result, social pedagogy is a 'function of society'. Іt reflects how a given society at a given time thinks about education and 5) upbri__ging. It tells about the 6) relation__hip between the individual and society, and about social welfare ofmarginalized 7) m__mbers.

Consequently, social 1) _____work within a range of different settings. From early years through 2) ______to working with disadvantaged adult groups as well as older people. To achieve a holistic 3) ______within each of these 4) ____, social pedagogy draws together theories and 5) _________from related disciplines such as sociology, 6) _____, education, 7) ______, medical sciences, or social work.

Principles of Social Pedagogy are the 1) (following, followed). Social pedagogy 2) (is, to be) 3) (based, base) on humanistic values stressing human dignity, mutual respect, trust, unconditional appreciation, and equality, to 4) (mention, mentioning) but a few. It 5) (is, were) underpinned 6) (by, at) a fundamental concept of children, young people and adults as equal human beings with rich and extraordinary potential and considers them competent, resourceful and active agents.

Текст 3

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II. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова (drug abuse, patterns, youth, goal, organizations, habits, rehabilitation) y другому абзаці.

III. У третьому абзаці підкресліть правильну граматичну форму.    

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V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

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From The Kyiv Post   
