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The Regional Centre of Social Processes

By Alexandr Sadovsky

In Ukraine, in Rivne city and Rivne oblast in particular, youth health 1) con__erns are among the most 2) serio__s. At present, mass media have a great 3) influ__nce on youth. But 4) unfort__nately the level of promoting a 5) healt__y lifestyle through mass media is rather low. At schools the 6) iss__e is not raised systematically, which makes the input of educational system in this matter not much 7) ef__ective.

Public 1) ___________, departments on family and youth do not coordinate their activity, which leads to lost of efforts and efficiency of their activities. The absence of a common 2) _______ of cooperation between mass media, educational system, public organizations and state structures that work with 3) _______ presents one more problem. All attempts to form healthy lifestyle 4) __________ among youth do not reach their 5) ________. Unfortunately, in Rivne oblast there are no organizations engaged in 6) ______________ of drug-addicted people, forming style of health living among youth and prevent 7) ________.

Partners: non-governmental organizations "Interaction", the Committee of Voters of Ukraine, Oblast Department on Family and Youth, Oblast State Department on Education. The goal of the project is 1) (to work, works) out and to introduce a model of 2) (forming, form) healthy lifestyle habits and 3) (to decrease, decreasing) the number of young people with unhealthy habits in Rivne and Rivne oblast. Target groups: schoolchildren 4) (aged, age) 7-18, youth 5) (aged, ages) 14-28, members of public organizations, representatives of city and regional departments 6) (on, with) family and youth, journalists, teachers of valeology and school psychologists, drug addict.        

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From The Guardian

16. 01. 2008

What is Social Work?

By Alex Ferguson

Social work is a profession 1) conc__rned with helping individuals, families, groups and 2) communit__es to enhance their individual and collective well-being. It aims to help people develop their skills and their 3) abilit__ to use their own 4) reso__rces and those of the community to 5) re__olve problems. Social work is concerned with individual and personal problems but also with broader social 6) i__sues such as poverty, unemployment and domestic 7) v__olence.

Human 1) ________ and social 2) ________are the philosophical underpinnings of social work practice. The 3) ________of social work practice is in the blend of some particular values, knowledge and 4) _________, including the use of relationship as the basis of all interventions and respect for the client’s choice and 5) __________. In a socio-political-economic context which increasingly generates insecurity and social 6) ________, social workers play an important and 7) ________role.

What is the role of the social worker? The work 1) (is undertaken, undertaken) by social workers can 2) (to vary, vary) widely between countries as the aims and values of social workers must reflect the cultural and social norms of the society in which they operate, in order to cater appropriately for the needs of the 3) (peoples, people) they serve. The main tasks of social workers are casework (linking clients with agencies and programs that 4) (would be, will) meet their psychosocial needs), counselling (psychotherapy), human services management, social welfare policy analysis, community 5) (organized, organizing), advocacy, 6) (taughting, teaching) (in schools of social work), and social science research.

Спеціальність: Фізичне виховання, спорт

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From The Independent
