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Nuclear Physics

By Stephen Potter

Modern physics has discovered a complicated 1) arra_ of fundamen­tal particles of which all matter is 2) compo_ed. These particles are to a variable extent present in the 3) dev_ces used in modern nuclear 4) te_h­nology. Each produces biological effects; each has its own characteristic penetration 5) propert_es. To these particles we must add electromag­netic radiation, the 6) _hotons, quanta, or 7) un_ts of which can also produce biological effects.

The word "ray" or "radiation" is used to 1) ______ a beam of wave type radiation, as in a ray of 2) ______ or X-ray, and also a 3) ______ of particles, as in cathode rays or alpha rays. Often when a ray of any kind strikes an 4) ______ or molecule, regardless of whether or not this atom is part of a biological 5) ______, it may knock an 6) ______ out of the atom. The process of knocking charged fragments out of previously 7) ______ atoms or molecules is called ionization.

It is by 1) (measuring, measures) the amount of ionization that radiation is most usually detected or identified. The 2) (usualest, most usual) detecting devices are the Geiger counter, proportional counters, and ionization cham­bers, Wilson cloud chambers, and photographic emulsions. In the Geiger counter, the ionization 3) (is initiated, initiates) a discharge for each ioniz­ing event that takes place in the counter. In the Wilson chamber, the condensation of vapor along the tracks of ionizing particles leaves 4) (cloud, cloud’s) trails, which like the vapor trails of airplanes, can be photographed. In photographic emulsions, ionizing events 5) (themselves, themselves) leave developable tracks, and the actual trail of a particle can be 6) (seing, seen).

Спеціальність: Автосправа. Технічний сервіс машин

Текст 1

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I.Вставте пропущені букви у словах першого абзацу.

II. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова (classical,gaseous,theory,technology,progress,classical,solution) в другому абзаці.

III.В третьому абзаці підкресліть правильну граматичну форму, запропоновану в дужках.

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V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

VI. Напишіть анотацію.

From Mechanical Engineering Magazine


Horizons of Modern Mechanics

By Thomas Kidman

In the 1) dev_lopment of mechanics, we can notice three main stages. In the 17th century Galilei and Newton laid the 2) sc_entific foundations of classical mechanics and formulated the basic 3) la_s of particle mechanics and the mechanics of 4) s_stems and bodies. These 5) la_s are widely used in 6) cal_ulating the movement and 7) desi_ning the control systems of planes and rockets, Earth satellites and spacecraft.

In the 18th century the laws of 1) _______ mechanics were applied to the motion of fluids and 2) _______ bodies and, later on, to the deformation of elastic media as well. In the middle of the 19th century the laws of 3) _______ mechanics were united with the laws of the 4) _______ of probabilities. The 20th century has placed new tasks before the science of mechanics, and led to the further expansion of its horizons. The 5) _______ of important problems of mechanics speeds up the rates of technological 6) _______ in ship building, aviation, rockets and space technology, power engineering, the atomic industry and so on, its methods penetrate into related departments of science and 7) ­­_______.

Nowadays, mechanics invades whole departments of 1) (knowledge, knowledges) as well as individual scientific and technological fields. For instance, the methods of modern aeromechanics find a broad application in 2) (a, the) solutions of 3) (much, many) biological problems. The laws governing blood circulation, the hydrodynamics of heart and blood vessels 4) (constitutes, constitute) the subject of a new branch of science – biomechanics. 5) (Latest, The latest) advances in mechanics 6) (will, shall) be of great help in improving many production processes in industry and agriculture.

Текст 2

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I.Вставте пропущені букви у словах першого абзацу.

II. Виберіть та вставте запропоновані у дужках слова (coal,furnace,fuel,locomotives,engine,useful,fire) в другому абзаці.

III.В третьому абзаці підкресліть правильну граматичну форму, запропоновану в дужках.

IV. Складіть план до тексту.

V. Поставте 10 запитань до тексту.

VI. Напишіть анотацію.

From Evironmental Science & Engineering Magazine
