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What Do Psychologists Do?

By Helen Greathead

A 1) psy__hologist is a person who 2) de__ls with psychology. Psychology is the 3) sc__ence and study of the human and animal behavior. Psychology is present in different 4) br__nches of our lives. Knowing about psychology may not give all the answers but it does help to ask the right 5) q__estions. A psychologist studies the mind and 6) behavi__ur to find out more about it. He or she may also work with people to help solve problems. Psychologists may be 7) div__ded into two groups.

Academic psychologists conduct research, 1) __________mechanisms and 2) __________ which are taking place. Аnd how they can contribute to our 3)_______ of people. Professional psychologists, on the other 4) _____, analyze the work of academic psychologists and put it to 5) ________. Advertising and 6) _________ research is also conducted by consumer psychologists, who study how suppliers can 7) _________ different markets.

Clinical psychologists often work in the psychiatric service, 1) (dealing, deals) with people who are mentally ill or strained in some way. Counseling psychologists 2) (help, are help) people to 3) (deal, dealing) with the stresses and strains of everyday life. Psychologists are also 4) (involved, involving) in working to enhance physical health. Health psychology is a very broad area, because it 5) (is, was) concerned with the different psychological aspects of our physical health. Another aspect of health psychology is in health education programmes. Рublic campaigns are designed to encourage people 6) (to take, taking) up healthy behaviors and to minimize risks.

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From Psychology Articles


Montessori approach

By Adriana Staraj

Maria Montessori is known as a developer of Montessori 1) ap_roach based on a child 2)p_ychology. In Montessori 3) met_od the lesson 4) co_responds to an experiment. In the first days of the school the children do not learn the idea of 5) col_ective order; this idea follows and comes as a result of those 6) dis_iplinary exercises through which the child learns to discern between good and 7) ev_l.

The lessons ____individual, and brevity must be _____of their chief characteristics. Another characteristic _______of the lesson is its simplicity. The teacher must not lose ___ in vain words. The lesson _____be presented in such a way that the ___of the teacher shall ____.

Montessori approach is also 1)(based, base) on exercises of practical life such as personal cleanliness, intellectual exercises (objective lessons interrupted by short rest periods, sense exercises), gymnastics (ordinary movements done gracefully, normal position of the body, walking, marching 2)(in, on) line. In order 3) (to protect, protection) the child’s development, especially in neighborhoods where standards of child hygiene 4) (is, are) not yet prevalent in the home, it 5)(would, was) be well if a large part of the child’s diet could be entrusted to the Montessori school. It is well known today that the diet must be adapted 6) (to, for) the physical nature of the child. The diet of little children must be rich in fats and sugar: the first for reserve matter and the second for plastic tissue.

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