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Human Anatomy.doc
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Vocabulary – 5

Study Vocabulary – 5 and then do exercise 6.

chromosome content

набір хромосом

matching pairs of chromosomes

гомологічні пари хромосом

coil up




doubled chromosomes

подвоєні хромосоми



egg cells


parent cells

материнські клітини

genetic make-up


sperm cells


genetic material

генетичний матеріал



Exercise 6. Translate the following text.

Cell division

The processes by which cells multiply are called cell division.

Mitosis is the most common form of cell division, giving rise to daughter cells identical to the parent cells. It occurs in the ovaries and testes during the production of egg and sperm cells. During meiosis in humans, a cell containing 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 in total) divides to form 4 sperm or egg cells, each with 23 single chromosomes. First, the chromosomes are duplicated to produce 4 copies of each chromosome (92 in total). Matching pairs of chromosomes line up and exchange genetic material. The cell then divides twice to form 4 daughter cells, with each taking 1 copy of each chromosome. Egg and sperm cells therefore have only half the usual chromosome content of a body cell, so that each parent contributes half of the child’s genetic material. The exchange between chromosomes means that each daughter cell has a unique genetic make-up.

Meiosis produces egg and sperm cells that differ from their parent cells in that they have only half the normal number of chromosomes. In this type of cell division the chromosomes within the nucleus of a cell are exactly duplicated into each of 2 daughter cells. Before cell division, the chromosomes duplicate themselves and coil up with the 2 copies joined together. The doubled chromosomes line up in the centre of the cell and are pulled apart to opposite ends of the cell, which then divides. Each daughter cell therefore has the same chromosome content as the original cell.

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

Апарат Гольджі; вакуоля; відросток; всмоктування; генетична інформація; глюкоза; двоокис вуглецю; ділянка; дочірня клітина; еукаріот; живий організм; жирова тканина; каталізатор; клітина; контролювальна ділянка; крохмаль; ліпіди; мембрана; мережа; мікроворсинки; мікрофиламенти; мітохондрія; накопичувати; окрема ділянка; органела; основна структура; пероксисома; поживні речовини; протеїни; ріст клітин; РНК; розщеплення жирних кислот; самовідтворення; складатися з; спеціалізована клітина; структурний матеріал; тонкий кишечник; хімічна сполука; хімічні реакції обміну речовин; хромосомний набір; цитоскелет; ядерце.

Exercise 8. Translate into Ukrainian.

Basic structural unit; basic unit; carbohydrate; carry out; cell membrane; cell surface; chemically related; chromosome; complex organic substance; cytoplasm; decode; DNA; endoplasmic reticulum; energy compound; enzyme; eukaryotic cell; fertilization; genes; hormone; inclusion; lysosome; metabolism; microtubules; mitosis; motility; multicellular organism; nucleic acid; nucleus; organic compound; procaryotic cell; protein synthesis; red blood cells; ribosome; sex cell; structurally and functionally integrated; sum of all of the physical and chemical activities; useful substances; vesicle; waste products.

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