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Active Vocabulary

solid and unchanging diet -

of meat and potatoes

home-cooked meal

immense variety

gain (v)







expand (v)

waste time

lose popularity


strong accent to food

— тверда та незмінна схильність до

— м'яса та картоплі

— їжа, приготовлена по-домашньому

— велика кількість

— придбати

— благополуччя

— мати на увазі

— необроблена

— консерванти

— вегетаріанці

— основні

— поширюватися

— марнувати час

— втрачати популярність

— відкривати знову

— суворо дотримуватися режиму прийняття їжі

І. Phonetic exercises

Ex. 1. Transcribe the following words and word-combinations. Mark the stresses:

changes, style, traditionally, famous, unchanging, alternatives, addition, supermarket, international, restaurant, ethnic, specialties, regions, chemicals, essential proteins, sources, beans, expanding, break, burger, attitude, popularity, enjoying, hamburger stand.

П. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises

Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word - combinations:

food style, solid and unchanging diet, alternatives, health food, fast food, in addition to, home-cooked meal, commonplace, ethnic sections, enjoy food, native specialties, certain food, gain popularity, physical well-being, unprocessed food, contain preservatives, health food enthusiast, expand, lunch break, attitude, lose popularity, rush through lunch, special way.

Ex. 2. Give English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:

традиційний, мати альтернативу, різноманітна їжа, їжа домашнього приготування, "швидка" їжа, великий вибір, блюда своєї країни, специфічні риси, популярність, необхідні продукти, набувати важливого фактору, дешева їжа, відношення, гарний фізичний стан, традиційна їжа.

Ех. 3. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the information given in the text:

1. In the United States many changes ....

2. Very solid and unchanging diet of meat and potatoes is ...

3. We have a great choice of food alternatives starting from ....

4. American city restaurants serve ...

5. The travellers can usually find ....

6. Health food gained popularity when ....

7. Health food is considered to be ...

8. Vegetarians prefer to get...

9. Speed in fast-food restaurants is ....

10. People are rediscovering the social importance of food because ...

Пі. Speech exercises

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the United States famous for in « food style»?

2. What food alternatives do the people have to choose nowadays?

3. Why do the United States have such immense variety of ethnic restaurants serving international cooking?

4. Can the people find their native specialities there?

5. When did Health food gain popularity?

6. Does Health food contain preservatives or chemicals?

7. Who are vegetarians?

8. Why are fast-food restaurants so popular in the United States?

9. Do Americans have their traditional big breakfast and dinner at 6:00 p.m.?

10. Why are they rediscovering the social importance of food?

Ex. 2. Find proper definition:



“Food style”

A meal which people have in a short time

Health food

The habits of cooking and having meal

Ethnic food

Fresh, natural and unprocessed food

International cooking

The food cooked to home recipes

Unprocessed food

The meal which has a great variety of dishes

Home-cooked meal

The food which has native specialties

Fast food

Food which is not cooked

Ex. 3. Retell the text.