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Vocabulary notes





mashy peas

— тріска

— пікша (рід тріскових)

— камбала

— палтус

— пюре з горошку

Ex. 1. What are the peculiarities of this English dish cooking?



(for 10 people)

1 1/2 kilo fresh, soft, red fruits, such as strawberries, raspberries, cherries, loganberries or blackcurrants

  • 150 grms sugar

  • 1 lemon, juice extracted

  • 12 thin slices of white bread

This dish probably originated in the 1700’s and uses any soft summer fruits such as strawberries and raspberries. There is also a dessert called Autumn Pudding, which is made in a similar way. but using fruits such as apples and plums, that are in season a little later.


  • Clean the fruits and poach lightly with the sugar and lemon juice.

  • Butter the sides and base of a 2 pint (1140 ml) pudding basin.

  • Cut the crusts from the bread and arrange the slices around the basin.

  • Fill with the cooked fruit and arrange more bread on top.

  • Cover with a small plate and place a weight on top.

  • Chill in the refrigerator overnight.

  • Turn out and garnish with fresh, soft fruits and accompany with whipped cream.

If the fruit juices have not soaked through the bread after one night, leave for a little longer or boil up more fruit and sugar and strain the resulting syrup over the top of the puddings.

Some recipes also tell you to macerate the fruits in the sugar overnight, prior to cooking.

Frozen fruits can be used but the results are not as good as when using fresh fruits.

For 10 portions you will need two basins, each should produce 6-8 portions.

Vocabulary notes:

whipped cream


macerate (v)



— збиті вершки

— малина

— вимочувати, розм'якшувати

— гібрид малини з ожиною

— чорна смородина

Ех. 1. Read and translate the recipe. What dishes of Ukrainian cuisine made for dessert do you know?



420 g plain flour -

1 teaspoonful baking powder

1 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 40 grams tablespoon butter

  • 5 eggs -

2 large cooking apples

  • 625 mis pint milk

  • clarified butter for cooking


Sieve the flour with the baking powder and cinnamon. Cream the butter and sugar together and add the beaten eggs and finely chopped apple. Then gradually add the milk to make a batter. Cook in clarified butter in a heavy fraying pan, as you would do with ordinary pancakes, whatever size you would like and serve hot with grilled or fried chippolata sausages and bacon etc. These make a wonderful addition to a fried breakfast.

Vocabulary notes:

chopped apples

chippolata sausages

— порізані яблука

— порізана на шматочки ковбаса


The old potted meats of British cookery are in fact the equivalent of the French pate. The meats have been prepared into a paste, so that they are suitable to be kept in a pot. Before refrigeration, potting was one of the most common ways of preserving meats. The other way of preserving meat was to salt it.

Potted meats were often served at breakfast. Many different meats were potted, including beef, tongue, venison and hare.