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Should and ought

 Эти глаголы едва ли различаются по значению за исключением следующих особенностей употребления:

- ought to чаще выражает моральный долг, обязанность и поэтому стилистически «сильнее», чем should;

- за глаголом ought следует инфинитив с частицей to, а после should частица не ставится.



Моральное обязательство, долг (moral obligation, duty)

A doctor ought to help the sick.

The young should help the old.

Совет (advice)

You should be more careful in your statements. They are just a hypothesis.

Критика, упрёк (criticism, disapproval, reproach)

The temperature was very high, you shouldn’t let her go.

You should have listened more carefully. In this case you could have avoided the overdosage.

Сожаление (regret)

I should have sent him a preprint of my report beforehand.

Task 6. Extend the statements according to the pattern. Use the words suggested:

Don’t take this medicine now. (in an hour)

You should take this medicine in an hour.

1. Don’t drive so fast. (a bit slower)

2. Don’t take off your white gowns now. (when you leave the laboratory)

3. Don’t cross the road now. (when the lights turn green)

4. Don’t speak to the client now. (when he calms down)

5. Don’t write in pencil. (in ink)

6. Don’t copy the text now. (at home)

7. Don’t wake him up now. (in half an hour)

8. Don’t make an oral presentation. (a poster presentation)

9. Don’t rely on his calculations. (check them)

10. Don’t speak so loudly in a public place. (a bit quieter)

11. Don’t hesitate. (make up a decision at once)

12. Don’t smoke. (take care of your health)

Task 7. Extend the statements according to the pattern. Use the verb ought to and the words suggested in your sentences:

Mrs. Brown is not well. (see a doctor)

She ought to see a doctor.

  1. This student is so untidy. (be neater)

  2. Mary is so selfish. (help her relatives)

  3. He isn’t punctual. (come on time)

  4. Your friend is very rude. (be more polite)

  5. The client is so forgetful. (write down things)

  6. These students are idle too often. (study more)

  7. You work too much. (have a rest)

  8. This doctor is very impatient. (more patient, especially while dealing with children and the old)

  9. He is very careless about the claims. (more attentive to the claims)

Task 8. Use the appropriate modal verbs from this unit and the list of ideal qualities to give advice to your colleague on how to become a good clinical psychologist:

are courteous

explain what is happening and why

turn up on time

say honestly when they can’t help

speak directly to service-users, not carers or personal assistants

do what they are going to do and don’t over promise

 don’t use jargon

 check out that they’ve been understood

 ‘open their ears’ and ‘think before they talk’

find a mode of communication that works

listen and ‘really hear’ and accept what clients are saying

are patient and make enough time to communicate with disabled service-users

recognize the loss of dignity people experience when approaching social services for the first time and respond sensitively

understand the importance of privacy, peace and quiet and users’ and carers’ choice of meeting place

build trust, empathy and warmth

remember that young people may prefer to talk while doing something else.

Task 9. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Он должен сдавать экзамен сегодня, а не завтра. 2. Вы, вероятно, ошиблись. 3. Ему нужна бумага и ручка, чтобы записать сообщение. 4. Ты не имеешь права входить в лабораторию без халата. 5. Я, наверное, забыла рецепт дома. Могу я купить это лекарство без рецепта? 6. Нам следует проанализировать все данные ещё раз. 7. Необходимо подтвердить все результаты фактами. 8. Вскоре он сможет ходить, но сейчас ему нужен покой. 9. Мне приходится вставать очень рано, т.к. я должен приходить на занятия вовремя. 10. Психолог может помочь вам преодолеть вашу депрессию. 11. Вы должны рассказать мне о ваших страхах. 12. Ты обязан представить проект к понедельнику.

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