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Reading and Speech Practice

Task 5. Read the title of the text and try to guess what the text is about judging by the title? Think of the problems personality development may interrelate with. Which of the following do you think will be discussed in the text and why?

  • heredity

  • thinking abilities

  • Value system

  • social environment (specify which)

  • cultural norms and stereotypes

  • psychological development

Task 6. You are going to read a text about the social worker’s role in the divorce process. Some sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-E the one which fits each gap (1-5).

Personality Development

An individual's personality is the complex of mental characteristics that makes them unique from other people.  It includes all of the patterns of thought and emotions that cause us to do and say things in particular ways.  At a basic level, personality is expressed through our temperament or emotional tone.  However, personality also colors our values, beliefs, and expectations.  There are many potential factors that are involved in shaping a personality.     Research by psychologists over the last several decades has increasingly pointed to hereditary factors being more important, especially for basic personality traits such as emotional tone.  However, the acquisition of values, beliefs, and expectations seem to be due more to socialization and unique experiences, especially during childhood.

Some hereditary factors that contribute to personality development do so as a result of interactions with the particular social environment in which people live.     If you have poor motor skills that will prevent you from throwing a ball straight and if you regularly get bad grades in school, you will very likely be labeled by your teachers, friends, and relatives as someone who is inadequate or a failure to some degree. 

There are many potential environmental influences that help to shape personality.  Child rearing practices are especially critical.  In the dominant culture of North America, children are usually raised in ways that encourage them to become self-reliant and independent.   For instance, they are included in making decisions about what type of food and entertainment the family will have on a night out.  Children are given allowances and small jobs around the house to teach them how to be responsible for themselves.  In contrast, children in China are usually encouraged to think and act as a member of their family and to suppress their own wishes when they are in conflict with the needs of the family.  Independence and self-reliance are viewed as an indication of family failure and are discouraged.  It is not surprising that Chinese children traditionally have not been allowed to act as equals to their parents.



espite significant differences in child rearing practices around the world, there are some similarities.  Boys and girls are socialized differently to some extent in all societies.  They receive different messages from their parents and other adults as to what is appropriate for them to do in life.  They are encouraged to prepare for their future in jobs fitting their gender.  Boys are more often allowed freedom to experiment and to participate in physically risky activities.  Girls are encouraged to learn how to do domestic tasks and to participate in child rearing by baby-sitting. Girls may be called "tomboys" and boys may be ridiculed for not being sufficiently masculine.

 Such things as having alcoholic parents, being seriously injured in a car accident can leave mental scars that make us fearful and less trusting.  If you are an only child, you don't have to learn how to compromise as much as children who have several siblings.  Chance meetings and actions may have a major impact on the rest of our lives and affect our personalities. 

A. For instance, your genetically inherited physical and mental capabilities have an impact on how others see you and, subsequently, how you see yourself.

B. There are always unique situations and interpersonal events that help to shape our personalities. 

C. These factors are usually seen as coming from heredity and the environment.

D. If children do not follow these traditional paths, they are often labeled as marginal or even deviant. 

E. Children are often allowed to act somewhat like equals to their parents. 

Task 7. Find the English words or expressions that are used in the text to give the following meaning in Russian.

1. быть подходящим для чего-либо__________________________________ 2. не давать волю/сдерживать собственные желания____________________ 3. унаследовать способности________________________________________ 4. указывать на___________________________________________________ 5. клеймить, давать прозвище_______________________________________ 6. предоставлять свободу___________________________________________ 7. оказывать влияние на____________________________________________ 8. вносить вклад в _________________________________________________ 9. не дать/помешать кому-либо сделать что-либо_______________________

Task 8. Match the words and phrases with similar meanings.

1. to ridicule sb

A. to raise children

2. sibling

B. very important

3. to rear children

C. to affect

4. to view

D. to make fun of sb

5. critical

E. to be engaged in

6. to have an impact on

F. to some extent

7. to be involved in

G. to result from

8. to be due to

H. peers

9. to some extent

I. to consider

10. equals

J. offspring

Task 9. Replace the words in bold with their opposites to make them true to the text.

1. In the dominant culture of North America, children are encouraged to be dependent on other people. 2. Chinese are usually discouraged to suppress their own wishes. 3. If you do something worse than other children, you may be labeled as someone who is a success to some degree.  4. A child from a large family learn to hold their ground sooner than the one who is an only child. 5. Children in China are discouraged to act as they like if it is in agreement with the needs of the family. 6. There are great similarities in child rearing practices in China and the USA. 7. Socialization is the process which results in the loss of values, beliefs, and expectations.

Task 10. a) Pick out from the text all the verbs used with the word personality. Give their Russian equivalents.

b) Fill in the gaps with appropriate verbs or their derivatives: develop, express, affect, build, shape, reflect, enrich, influence

1. People usually wear clothes that … their personality. 2. When you grow up, your peers … your personality towards your strengths. 3. A child can … his or her personality through social learning, learning, for example, from parents, peer groups. 4. There are many factors that … personality development. 5. Your car often … your personality. 6. Sigmund Freud’s personality theory attempts to explain the processes involved in the … and … of a personality. 7. A number of genetic factors … the personality variables. 8. Epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana, holy books like Gita, Kuran, Bible teach an individual the way to life by … their personality. 9. Children that develop mental disorders are more likely to … personality disorders as adults. 10. To realize prosperity and success you need to … a powerful magnetic personality that attracts people to you. 11. He saw the ego as a positive driving force in personality … . 12. Secondary to an individual’s overall personality is their appearance. However, appearance plays a large role in … personality.

c) Make a list of

  • all the factors which can affect, build, shape, enrich influence personality;

  • all the things that can express, reflect personality.

Task 11. A. Study the following pattern:

To make sb + adjective

To make sb do sth

E. g. An individual's personality is the complex of mental characteristics that makes them unique from other people

B. Change the following sentences using the pattern:

1. Children are given allowances and small jobs around the house to teach them how to be responsible for themselves. 2. Such things as having alcoholic parents, being seriously injured in a car accident can leave mental scars and we become fearful and less trusting. 3. Children are usually raised in ways that encourage them to become self-reliant and independent. 4. Your poor school performance can cause a feeling that you are inadequate or a failure to some degree. 5. Parents encourage girls to learn how to do domestic tasks and to participate in child rearing by baby-sitting. 6. People in China encourage their children to suppress their own wishes when they are in conflict with the needs of the family. 7. The psychologist’s words were helpful and he felt much better. 8. His parents raised him to be an independent and self-reliant person.

Task 12. What is the role of each of the phenomena listed below in personality development:

  1. emotional tone

  2. temperament

  3. personality traits

  4. values

  5. beliefs

  6. expectations

Which of them

  • predetermine personality

  • color personality

  • shaped by personality

Task 13. According to Erikson, a child encounters a psychosocial challenge at each stage. If the child successfully resolves the issue, the child develops a positive social trait and progresses to the next stage. Try to guess Erikson’s correlation between the age range and the issue the child is concerned at this stage. Number the stages in their chronological order.

1. Stage …Autonomy versus guilt: Am I good or bad?

A. Ages: 1-3 years

2. Stage…Trust versus mistrust: Is my word predictable and supportive?

B. Ages: middle adult

3. Stage… Autonomy versus shame and doubt: Can I do things myself or must I rely on others?

C. Ages: Young adult

4. Stage… Ego integrity versus despair: Have I lived a full life?

D. Ages: 3-6years

5. Stage… Generativity versus stagnation: Will I succeed in life?

E. Ages: early teens

6. Stage… Industry versus inferiority: Am I successful or worthless?

F. Ages: early infancy

7. Stage… Identity versus role confusion: Who am I?

G. Ages: older adult

8. Stage… Intimacy versus isolation: Shall I share my life with someone or live alone?

H. Ages: 6-12 years

Task 14. Read the terms below and try to explain what they mean. Choose the correct term to complete the sentence:

Telegraphic speech; socialization, democratic families; egocentric; maturation.

1. In __________, adults develop a parenting style in which children participate in decisions affecting their lives.

2. Seeing and thinking of the world only from one’s own standpoint is called ________ thinking.

3. Children at around age 2 use _____________ in which the words are left out but the message gets across.

4. The study of changes that occur as an individual matures is ____________.

5. Learning the rules of behaviour of one’s culture is called ____________.

Task 15. Test your intuitions about behaviour by answering true or false to the statements below.

1. The behaviour of most lower animals – insects, reptiles and amphibians, most rodents, and birds – is instinctive and unaffected by learning.

2. For the first week of life a baby sees nothing but shades of gray-blue regardless of where he or she looks.

3. A child learns to talk more quickly if the adults around the child habitually repeat the word he or she is trying to say, using proper pronunciation.

4. The best way to get a chronically noisy child to settle down and pay attention is to punish him or her.

5. Slow learners remember more of what they learn than fast learners.

6. Highly intelligent people, geniuses, tend to be physically frail and socially isolated.

7. On the average, you cannot predict from a person’s grades at school and college whether he or she will do well in a career.

8. Most stereotypes are completely true.

9. In small amounts, alcohol is a stimulant.

10. The largest drug problem in the United States, in terms of the number of people affected, is marijuana.

11. Psychiatry is a subdivision of psychology.

12. Most developmentally handicapped people also have psychological disorders.

13. A third or more of the people suffering from severe psychological disorders are potentially dangerous.

14. Electroshock therapy is an outmoded technique rarely used in today’s mental hospitals.

15. The more severe the disorder, the more intensive the therapy required to cure it; for example, schizophrenics usually respond best to psychoanalysis.

16. Nearly all the psychological characteristics of men and women appear to be inborn; in all cultures, for example, women are more emotional and sexually less aggressive than man.

17. No reputable psychologist takes seriously such irrational phenomena as ESP, hypnosis, or the bizarre mental and physical achievements of Eastern yogis.

Task 16. Fill in the prepositions where necessary.

1. Personality can be expressed … the person’s behavioural patterns. 2. She has been absent from work due … illness. 3. Mary Richmond contributed … the development of social diagnostics. 4. Psychological aid can prevent a person … feeling lonely and frustrated. 5. Which factors are involved … personality development? 6. A number of environmental factors have an impact … the process of socialization. 7. Many researchers pointed … the need for a new approach to this problem. 8. In Russia, many children are raised … ways that encourage them to be determined and independent. 9. Which factors affected … your decision to become a clinical psychologist/social worker? 10. The girl was ridiculed … her stammering. 11. What household chores are you responsible …? 12. Psychologists can also help normal children who are … conflict … their parents. 13. In eastern communities it is uncommon for young people to act as equals … their older relatives. 14. Our students participate both … academic and extracurricular activities.

Task 17. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Какие факторы участвуют в формировании личности? 2. Личность человека может получить выражение в его поступках и поведении. 3. В детстве ее часто высмеивали за то, что она была «пацанкой». 4. Воспитание включает формирование представлений о том, какое поведение приемлемо. 5. Чтение книг является важным способом развития (духовного обогащения) личности. 6. В нашей семье детям на разрешают вести себя на равных со взрослыми. 7. В США детей обычно воспитывают, способствуя тому, чтобы они становились самостоятельными. 8. Активное участие вo внеучебной деятельности внесло значительный вклад в развитие его личности. 9. Они никогда не заставляли (побуждали) своих детей подавлять собственные желания, если они расходились с интересами семьи. 10. Развод сделал его более агрессивным и менее доверчивым. 11. Его заболевание помешало ему написать контрольную вовремя. 12. Каким образом генетически унаследованные физические и умственные способности повлияли на формирование ее личности? 13. Неуважание к старшим рассматривается как указание на плохое воспитание. 14. Формирование ценностей является следствием процесса социализации и уникального опыта. 15. Она мечтала найти работу, соответствующую (подходящую) ее квалификации и способностям.

Task 18. Use the information from Units 6 and 7 and find additional information on Internet to prepare a presentation on the following problems:

  • How do children learn to speak?

  • What is socialization and why is it so important to development?

  • Child rearing practices in different countries.

  • Upbringing versus biology (gender-specific behaviours).


Personality Types


Modal Verbs

        1. В отличие от большинства глаголов, обозначающих действие или состояние субъекта (объекта), модальные глаголы обозначают отношение субъектак тому или иному действию. Традиционно выделяют 10 модальных глаголов: can, may, must, shall, should, will, would, ought to, need, dare. В английском языке они считаются «неполными, дефективными» глаголами, т.к.

        2. - не передают никаких других грамматических форм времени, кроме Simple.Все модальные глаголы не имеют формы будущего времени, а глагол must - и формы прошедшего времени;

        3. - не образуют форму Passive Voice;

        4. - в инфинитивной форме употребляются без частицы «to», и следующие за ними глаголы в форме инфинитива также употребляются без «to»;

- в форме 3 лица ед.ч. не имеют окончания -(e)s.

- в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях с модальными глаголами вспомогательные глаголы не используются. Отрицательная частица not присоединяется непосредственно к глаголу. Сокращённые формы – can’t, couldn’t, mayn’t, mustn’t, shan’t, shouldn’t, won’t, wouldn’t, oughtn’t, needn’t.

Краткие отрицательные формы модальных глаголов (а также вспомогательных) теперь используются не только в устной, но и в письменной речи, и их употребление официально разрешено в письменных работах учащихся британских школ.

Заменители модальных глаголов. Для передачи недостающих форм будущего времени глаголов can и may (а для must – и формы прошедшего времени) используются заменители. В некоторых грамматических справочниках они называются эквивалентами или синонимами, но эти термины не вполне точны. Глаголы-заменители отражают смысл модальных глаголов только в самом общем смысле, но при этом имеют свои «оттенки» значения и не могут являться полными синонимами или эквивалентами.

Can = to be able to

May = to be allowed to

Must = to have to

to be to

Необходимо помнить, что глаголы-заменители не являются модальными, т.е. изменяются по временам, лицам и числам. А вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются по правилам, действующим для глаголов «to be» и «to have»:

The students were allowed to watch the operation.

Were the students allowed to watch the operation?

They had to wear the white gowns.

Did they have to wear the white gowns?

Рассмотрим грамматические формы и варианты значений наиболее часто употребляемых модальных глаголов.

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