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Unit 13



Participle I (причастие I) имеет ряд форм в действительном и страдательном залогах. В связи с высокой частотностью употребления в специальной медицинской литературе формы действительного залога Participle I Simple Active, нами будут рассмотрены грамматические особенности только этой формы.

Participle I Simple Active образуется путем добавления окончания -ing к первой форме глагола. Выступая в функции определения, данная форма переводится на русский язык при помощи причастия несовершенного вида действительного залога, оканчивающегося на -щий: divorcing parents (разводящиеся родители, т.е. на стадии развода); developing depression (развивающаяся депрессия). Participle I Simple Active может стоять как перед определяемым словом (в этом случае оно не может иметь при себе распространяющих его слов), так и после определяемого слова (в этом случае при нем могут быть распространяющие его слова): rehabilitating procedures, a client attending one-on-one therapy sessions

Participle II образуется путем добавления окончания -ed к первой форме глагола (для правильных глаголов), либо представляет собой третью форму глагола (для неправильных глаголов). В функции определения на русский язык данная конструкция переводится при помощи причастия совершенного/несовершенного вида страдательного залога, оканчивающегося на -анный, -емый: a patient hospitalized with severe stress (пациент, госпитализированный с тяжелой формой стресса); confirmed diagnosis (подтвержденный диагноз); the techniques applied by the psychotherapist (методики, используемые психотерапевтом).

Task1. Change the following sentences using Participle I. Follow the model:

The student who is speaking at the moment is very hard-working. The student speaking at the moment is very hard-working.

1. The client who is receiving drug addiction treatment suffers from alcohol abuse. 2. The psychologist who is applying this treatment approach is very experienced. 3. Individuals who are divorcing often interact with psychologists and other professionals during the process of divorce. 4. The scientist who is publishing an article in this journal is very famous. 5. The counselor who is implementing a new drug addiction therapeutic strategy is very qualified. 6. The scientists who are working on this problem have made a breakthrough in psychology. 7. The person who is speaking to the client’s family members is a social worker assistant. 8. Psychoeducational programs for spouses who are divorcing seem to be an effective approach to help spouses deal with emotional, social, and practical issues during and after the divorce. 9. The psychotherapist who is using a hypnotic technique is going to treat the client for a phobia. 10. The social worker who is speaking to the client’s co-workers is trying to identify the client’s employment and socio-economic background. 11. Mediation services are available to parents who are facing a great deal of conflict during the divorce process. 12. A person who is entering a social work career must be very patient, helpful and easy-going. 13. The students who are taking an English exam are second-year social work students.

Task 2. Join the sentences making the second sentence an attributive participial phrase:

The surgery was a great success. It was performed with the help of laser. The surgery performed with the help of laser was a great success.

1. The appointment with the psychologist was postponed. It was planned for today. 2. The book was returned to the library. It was read by all the students of our group. 3. Social workers collaborate with the other professionals. They are involved in divorce as mediators. 4. The medicine was very bitter. It was prescribed for stimulating the immune system. 5. The social worker’s office was large enough. It was furnished rather simply. 6. The papers were lying on the desk. They were brought by the delivery-man. 7. The treatment was successful. It was performed by a qualified psychotherapist. 8. The physician gave instructions to the patient. The patient followed the instructions. 9. The care plan was very complicated. It was changed by the physician. 10. Counseling is a form of drug abuse treatment. It is commonly used in social practice. 11. Medications are an important element of treatment for many patients, especially when combined with counseling and other behavioral therapies. 12. The article was rejected. It was returned to the author for revision.

Task 3. Choose the proper participle. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. The data (collecting/collected) in the course of the work were very reliable. 2. We studied the drug (modifying/modified) the development of a serious genetic disease. 3. This hospital provides medical care to terminally ill patients (needing/needed) special care. 4. The (administering/administered) drug has numerous side-effects. 5. We found (increasing/increased) cell antibodies in the patient. 7. Psychoeducational programs (combining/combined with) individual counseling for divorcing spouses seem to be effective in helping spouses to deal with their emotional, social, and practical issues during the divorce. 8. Research (showing/showed) that children most commonly react to parental divorce with aggression and anger to social difficulty. 9. The social worker (visiting/visited) the client at home is observing the client’s living conditions. 10. Like most people, you are probably heading into divorce (basing/based) on conflicting issues and conditions you feel are no longer tolerable. 11. A special program has been designed from the perspective of the person (going/gone) through a divorce. 12.

Task 4. Translate the following phrases from Russian into English:

1. разводящиеся супруги; 2. помощь, предоставляемая социальными работниками и консультантами; 3. разведенные супруги; 4. клиент, страдающий от депрессии; 5. лечение, получаемое клиентом; 6.клиент, получающий лечение; 7. чувства, испытываемые клиентом; 8. интервью, проведенное социальным работником; 8. социальные работники принимаемые на работу в школы; 9. информация, содержащаяся в строжайшей секретности; 10. данные, полученные в ходе наблюдения во время занятий; 11. цели, достигнутые во время лечения; 13. факторы, влияющие на успеваемость учеников; 14. количество студентов, обучающихся в российских вузах; 15. развивающаяся/прогрессирующая депрессия; 16. метод лечения, предложенный психотерапевтом; 17. клиенты, участвующие в групповой/индивидуальной терапии

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