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ANSI/ISO, DB2, and SQL/DS Datatypes

Accessing Oracle Database Version 7 from an Oracle9i Client The ROWID values that are returned are always restricted ROWIDs. Also, Oracle9i returns restricted ROWID values to a database server for Oracle Database version 7.

The following ROWID functionality works when accessing a server for Oracle Database version 7:

Selecting a ROWID and using the obtained value in a WHERE clause

WHERE CURRENT OF cursor operations

Storing ROWIDs in user columns of ROWID or CHAR type

Interpreting ROWIDs using the hexadecimal encoding (not recommended – use the DBMS_ROWID functions)

Accessing an Oracle9i Database from a Client of Oracle Database Version 7 Oracle9i returns

ROWIDs in the extended format. This means that you can only:

Select a ROWID and use it in a WHERE clause

Use WHERE CURRENT OF cursor operations

Store ROWIDs in user columns of CHAR(18) datatype

Import and Export It is not possible for a client of Oracle Database version 7 to import a table from a later version that has a ROWID column (not the ROWID pseudocolumn), if any row of the table contains an extended ROWID value.

ANSI/ISO, DB2, and SQL/DS Datatypes

You can define columns of tables in Oracle Database using ANSI/ISO, DB2, and SQL/DS datatypes. Oracle Database internally converts such datatypes to Oracle datatypes.

The ANSI datatype conversions are shown in Table 2–7. The ANSI/ISO datatypes NUMERIC, DECIMAL, and DEC can specify only fixed-point numbers. For these datatypes, s defaults to 0.

Table 2–7 ANSI Datatype Conversions to Oracle Datatypes

ANSI SQL Datatype

Oracle Datatype





CHAR (n)

CHAR (n)

NUMERIC (p,s),

DECIMAL (p,s), DEC (p,s)

NUMBER (p,s)

Selecting a Datatype 2-39

Соседние файлы в папке Oracle 10g