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PL/SQL Gateway

Configuring mod_plsql

As a plug-in to Oracle HTTP Server, mod_plsql causes stored procedures to be executed in response to HTTP requests.

For each URL that is processed, mod_plsql either uses a database session from its connection pool, or creates a new session on the fly and pools it. In order that mod_ plsql can invoke the appropriate database PL/SQL procedure in a URL-processing session, you must first configure a virtual path and associate that path with a

Database Access Descriptor (DAD).

A DAD is a named set of configuration values that specify the information necessary to create a session for a specific database and a specific database user/password. This includes the database service name and the Globalization Support setting (language, currency symbol, and so on) for the session.

See Also:

mod_plsql User's Guide

Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's Guide for information on mod_plsql configuration parameters

"Using Caching with PL/SQL Web Applications" in Oracle Application Server 10g Performance Guide for information on caching dynamically generated HTML pages to improve performance

Uploading and Downloading Files With PL/SQL Gateway

You can use PL/SQL Gateway to transfer files from a client machine to or from Oracle Database. You can upload and download text files or binary files.

Uploading Files to the Database

To upload files, you must first define a document repository using the DAD configuration, and specify how to upload the content: as a BLOB or LONG RAW value. To initiate uploading, you define and submit a multipart/form-data form, following the RFC 1867 specification.

After you successfully upload a file, the procedure specified in the ACTION attribute of the multipart/form-data form is invoked. This invocation is similar to that of any regular PL/SQL Gateway procedure. Subsequently, you can download files that you have uploaded, delete uploaded files from the database, and read or write their attributes.

13-4 Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals

Соседние файлы в папке Oracle 10g