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Publishing External Procedures

For security reasons, EXTPROC, by default, will only load DLLs that are in directory $ORACLE_HOME/bin or $ORACLE_HOME/lib. Also, only local sessions—that is, Oracle Database client processes that are running on the same machine—are allowed to connect to EXTPROC.

To load DLLs from other directories, the environment variable EXTPROC_DLLS should be set. The value for this environment variable is a colonseparated (:) list of DLL names qualified with the complete path. For example:


The preferred method to set this environment variable is through the ENVS parameter in the file listener.ora. Refer to the Oracle Net manual for more information on the EXTPROC feature.

Note the following:

On a Windows system, you would specify the path using a drive letter and backslash characters (\) in the path.

This technique is not applicable for VMS systems, where the ENVS section of listener.ora is not supported.

Step 3 Publish the External Procedure

You find or write a new external C procedure, then add it to the DLL. When the procedure is in the DLL, you publish it using the call specification mechanism described in the following section.

Publishing External Procedures

Oracle Database can only use external procedures that are published through a call specification, which maps names, parameter types, and return types for your Java class method or C external procedure to their SQL counterparts. It is written like any other PL/SQL stored subprogram except that, in its body, instead of declarations and a BEGIN ... END block, you code the AS LANGUAGE clause.

The AS LANGUAGE clause specifies:

Which language the procedure is written in.

For a Java method:

The signature of the Java method.

For a C procedure:

8-10 Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals

Publishing External Procedures

The alias library corresponding to the DLL for a C procedure.

The name of the C procedure in a DLL.

Various options for specifying how parameters are passed.

Which parameter (if any) holds the name of the external procedure agent, for running the procedure on a different machine.

You begin the declaration using the normal CREATE OR REPLACE syntax for a procedure, function, package specification, package body, type specification, or type body.

The call specification follows the name and parameter declarations. Its syntax is:


Note: Oracle Database uses a PL/SQL variant of the ANSI SQL92 External Procedure, but replaces the ANSI keyword AS EXTERNAL with this call specification syntax. This new syntax, first introduced for Java class methods, has been extended to C procedures.

This is then followed by either:

NAME java_string_literal_name

Where java_string_literal_name is the signature of your Java method, or by:

LIBRARY library_name

[NAME c_string_literal_name] [WITH CONTEXT]

[PARAMETERS (external_parameter[, external_parameter]...)];

Where library_name is the name of your alias library, c_string_literal_ name is the name of your external C procedure, and external_parameter stands for:


| SELF [{TDO | property}]

| {parameter_name | RETURN} [property] [BY REFERENCE] [external_datatype]}

property stands for:


Calling External Procedures 8-11

Соседние файлы в папке Oracle 10g