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Troubleshooting XA Applications

explicitly told when each new application thread is started. This is typically accomplished by using a special C compiler provided by the transaction monitor vendor.

The Pro* statements, EXEC SQL ALLOCATE and EXEC SQL USE are not supported. Therefore, when threading is enabled, embedded SQL statements cannot be used across non-XA connections.

If one thread in a process connects to Oracle Database through XA, all other threads in the process that connect to Oracle Database must also connect through XA. You cannot connect through EXEC SQL in one thread and through XA in another thread.

Troubleshooting XA Applications

This section discusses how to find information in case of problems or system failure. It also discusses trace files and recovery of pending transactions.

XA Trace Files

The Oracle XA library logs any error and tracing information to its trace file. This information is useful in supplementing the XA error codes. For example, it can indicate whether an xa_open failure is caused by an incorrect open string, failure to find the Oracle Database instance, or a logon authorization failure.

The name of the trace file is:


where db_name is the database name you specified in the open string field DB=db_ name, and date is the date when the information is logged to the trace file.

If you do not specify DB=db_name in the open string, then it automatically defaults to the name NULL.

The xa_open string DbgFl

Normally, the XA trace file is opened only if an error is detected. The xa_open string DbgFl provides a tracing facility to record additional detail about the XA library. By default, its value is zero. It can be set to any combination of the following values. Note that they are independent, so to get printout from two or more flags, each must be set.

16-24 Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals

Соседние файлы в папке Oracle 10g