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Choosing a Programming Environment

OCI calls for special purposes include Advanced Queuing, globalization support, Data Cartridges, and support of the date and time datatypes.

OCI calls can be embedded in a Pro*C/C++ application.

Using Built-In Packages and Libraries

Both Java and PL/SQL have built-in packages and libraries.

PL/SQL and Java interoperate in the server. You can execute a PL/SQL package from Java or wrap a PL/SQL class with a Java wrapper so that it can be called from distributed CORBA and EJB clients. The following table shows PL/SQL packages and their Java equivalents:

Table 1–1 PL/SQL and Java Equivalent Software

PL/SQL Package

Java Equivalent




Call package with SQLJ or JDBC.


JDBC has this functionality.


Schedule a job that has a Java Stored procedure.


Call with SQLJ or JDBC.


Use JavaMail.


Use subclass


oracle.aurora.rdbms.OracleDBMSOutputStream or


Java stored procedure DBMS_JAVA.SET_STREAMS.


Call with SQLJ or JDBC.


Use JDBC to execute an ALTER SESSION statement.


Call with SQLJ or JDBC.




Use JDBC to execute an ALTER SESSION statement.


Call with SQLJ or JDBC.


Grant the JAVAUSERPRIV privilege and then use Java I/O


entry points.



Java Compared to PL/SQL

Both Java and PL/SQL can be used to build applications in the database. Here are some guidelines for their use:

Programmatic Environments 1-41

Choosing a Programming Environment

PL/SQL Is Optimized for Database Access

PL/SQL uses the same datatypes as SQL. SQL datatypes are thus easier to use and SQL operations are faster than with Java, especially when a large amount of data is involved, when mostly database access is done, or when bulk operations are used.

PL/SQL Is Integrated with the Database

PL/SQL is an extension to SQL offering data encapsulation, information hiding, overloading, and exception-handling.

Some advanced PL/SQL capabilities are not available for Java in Oracle9i. Examples are autonomous transactions and the dblink facility for remote databases. Code development is usually faster in PL/SQL than in Java.

Both Java and PL/SQL Have Object-Oriented Features

Java has inheritance, polymorphism, and component models for developing distributed systems. PL/SQL has inheritance and type evolution, the ability to change methods and attributes of a type while preserving subtypes and table data that use the type.

Java Is Used for Open Distributed Applications

Java has a richer type system than PL/SQL and is an object-oriented language. Java can use CORBA (which can have many different computer languages in its clients) and EJB. PL/SQL packages can be called from CORBA or EJB clients.

You can run XML tools, the Internet File System, or JavaMail from Java.

Many Java-based development tools are available throughout the industry.

1-42 Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals

Part II

Designing the Database

This part contains the following chapters:

Chapter 2, "Selecting a Datatype"

Chapter 3, "Maintaining Data Integrity Through Constraints"

Chapter 4, "Selecting an Index Strategy"

Chapter 5, "How Oracle Database Processes SQL Statements"

Chapter 6, "Coding Dynamic SQL Statements"

Chapter 7, "Using Procedures and Packages"

Chapter 8, "Calling External Procedures"

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