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Cursor Variables

Server-side PL/SQL users can set the parameter to TIMESTAMP (or let it default to that) to get the timestamp dependency mode.

Server-side PL/SQL users can choose to use the signature dependency mode if they have a distributed system and they want to avoid possible unnecessary recompilations.

Client-side PL/SQL users should set the parameter to SIGNATURE. This allows:

Installation of new applications at client sites, without the need to recompile procedures.

Ability to upgrade the server, without encountering timestamp mismatches.

When using signature mode on the server side, add new procedures to the end of the procedure (or function) declarations in a package specification. Adding a new procedure in the middle of the list of declarations can cause unnecessary invalidation and recompilation of dependent procedures.

Cursor Variables

A cursor is a static object; a cursor variable is a pointer to a cursor. Because cursor variables are pointers, they can be passed and returned as parameters to procedures and functions. A cursor variable can also refer to different cursors in its lifetime.

Some additional advantages of cursor variables include:

Encapsulation Queries are centralized in the stored procedure that opens the cursor variable.

Ease of maintenance If you need to change the cursor, then you only need to make the change in one place: the stored procedure. There is no need to change each application.

Convenient security The user of the application is the username used when the application connects to the server. The user must have EXECUTE permission on the stored procedure that opens the cursor. But, the user does not need to have READ permission on the tables used in the query. This capability can be used to limit access to the columns in the table, as well as access to other stored procedures.

See Also: PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference for details on cursor variables

7-30 Oracle Database Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals

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