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Метод. пособие англ. яз. СЭ-3.docx
1.18 Mб

7. Make sure you have properly understood the meaning of the text:

1. Electrical traumatism is caused by:

a) electrical safety; b) portable accessory; c) formal instructing on safe methods of work.

2. The use of electrical energy is connected with:

a) possible fires; b) thermal effect of an electric current; c) environmental conditions.

3. The normal state of shipboard electrical equipment is broken when:

a) you do not put on special gauntlets;

b ) insulation can't withstand a working voltage;

c) damages occur.

4. When the normal state of shipboard electrical equipment is broken:

a) clip-on instruments are used;

b) protective glasses are put on;

c) arc and spark discharges emerge.

5. Principal protective means are those which:

a) protect against a pace voltage;

b) help to withstand a working voltage;

c) are designed for individual protection.

6. Additional protective means are those which:

a) protect against light, thermal and mechanical effects;

b) protect against the effect of an electric arc;

c) make it possible to touch hot-line parts.

8. Translate into English.

1. Убедитесь в том, что оборудование исправно.

2. Никогда не убирайте заземляющий штырь трехфазного входного штепселя.

3. Всегда двигайтесь медленно, когда работаете в окружении электрических цепей.

4. Ни с кем не разговаривайте во время работы.

5. Не работайте в одиночку.

6. Попытайтесь вспомнить правила эксплуатации электрооборудования и техники безопасности.

7. Никогда не работайте на мокром полу.

8. Не работайте в беспорядке.

9. Никогда не разговаривайте во время работы.

9. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. If you touch an electrical appliance, wall switch or electrical cord while you are wet or standing in water, it will increase the chance of electrical shock.

2. To protect the crew against electric shock hazard, the following protective means are used: insulating gloves, tools equipped with insulated handles, voltage indicators, insulating and clip-on instruments.

3. Their insulation is reliable enough to withstand a working voltage of an electrical set and makes it possible to touch hot-line current-leading parts.

4. To protect from effects of an electric arc the products of its burning, use insulating galoshes and high overshoes, insulating rubber rugs, insulating stands.

5. Against light, thermal and mechanical effects use protective glasses, etc.

Grammar exercises.

1. Поставьте следующие глаголы во все формы герундия.

Arriver, understand, observe, remove, get.

2. Прочитайте, переведите и сравните.

1. I remember having shown her the letter. I remember having been shown the letter.

2. I must apologize for having interrupted you. You could not speak after having been


3. I like being invited to their parties.

4. He entered the room without being noticed.

5. They both enjoy playing together. They both are tired of having played all day.

6. Charly likes being told to find and bring the ball. After having been told to find the ball

Charly is ready to rush forward and bring it.

7. She is proud of being so pretty.

8. I prefer driving to being driven.

9. I was surprised at seeing her here.

10. I don’t like dogs. I’m always afraid of being bitten.