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Метод. пособие англ. яз. СЭ-3.docx
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  1. Read and translate the sentences with subject clause.

1. When he will arrive is not yet known. 2. It should be remembered that wind direction and wind velocity vary greatly with elevation above the surface. 3. It is important that space observatories orbiting the earth should function. 4. That it is possible to convert heat to energy and energy back to heat can be demonstrated in a number of ways. 5. When we shall start a new series of experiments is not settled yet. 6. Whether the spaceship will be able to leave the earth depends upon the speed of the ship. 7. That he has made such a mistake is strange. 8. Whether they will come today is not known yet. 9. When we shall start is uncertain. 10. How this happened is not clear to anyone. 11. It is desirable that the agreement should be signed before May. 12. It was necessary that the question should be settled without delay. 13. It is strange that he should behave so. 14. It is strange that he should have behaved so. 15. That the matter should have taken such a turn isn’t surprising. 16. Whether a friendly settlement of the dispute between sellers and buyers can be arrived at is doubtful. 17. That we need more people in math and science is clear to all. 18. That we are not prepared for the future concerns us.19. That there are too few new scientists is well-known. 20.

Придаточные предложения сказуемые (predicative clause)

выполняют в сложном предложении функцию именной части составного сказуемого и отвечают на вопросы what is the subject? what is the subject like? каково подлежащее?, что подлежащее собой представляет?

соединяются - that, whether, if, who, whom, whose, what, which, when, where, how, why

не отделяются запятой (The trouble is that I have lost his address. Неприятность заключается в том, что я потерял адрес)

  1. Read and translate the sentences with predicative clause.

1. The trouble is that I have lost her address. 2. One of the main characteristics of plastics is that their molecules are composed of a large number of repeating molecules known as monomers. 3. The most important feature of this plant is that all its shops are equipped with automatic and semi-automatic machine-tools. 4. The difficulty is whether all the processes of the production at the plant can be mechanized. 5. The question is whether they will be able to help us. 6. The weather is not what it was yesterday. 7. The doctor’s advice was that my brother should go to the south immediately. 8. He isn’t what he pretends to be. 9. The question is whether they will arrive in time to take part in this work. 10. A property of conservative system is that its energy is a function of its state only and is described by the same independent variables that describe the state.

Unit 6. Dc motor characteristics. Lessons 3-4.

  1. Find the equivalents of following word combinations.

the force is exerted on the conductor подключение нагрузки

the magnetic flux density поток обмотки параллельного подключения

torque намагниченный материал

load connection перемкнуть последовательную обмотку

slight reduction in speed напряженность магнитного потока

a load applied to the motor сила приложена к проводнику

remain constant момент

shunt-field flux квадрат тока якоря

to short the series field оставаться постоянным

saturated magnetic material небольшое уменьшение скорости

the square of the armature current нагрузка, приложенная к двигателю