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Метод. пособие англ. яз. СЭ-3.docx
1.18 Mб
  1. Make up the sentences.

  1. The, designed, distribution, costs, is, keep, minimum, cable, to, system, to, a.

  2. system, main, is, The, located, generally, of, distribution, switchboard, the, centre, the, near.

  3. the, fire, In, even, a, or, flooding, are, the, generators, of, and, main, switchboard, disabled.

  4. from, An, generator, machinery, is, the, emergency, spaces, isolated, completely, main.

  1. Speak about:

  1. Marine distribution system: main elements and designation;

  2. Its location;

  3. Specification of iys operation.

  1. Translate into English.

  1. В распределительной системе энергия распределяется с главного щита.

  2. Главный распределительный щит располагается рядом с машинным отделением и рядом с центром управления механизмами.

  3. Для подачи электропитания на аварийную систему и систему безопасности. Аварийный генератор должен располагаться над главной палубой в отдельном помещении и быть полностью изолированным от основных машинных помещений.

  4. Необходимы специальные защитные системы, чтобы закрыть все вентиляционные и топливные системы в случае пожара.

  5. Переключатель фидера питания ЦПУ снабжается расцепляющим устройством пониженного давления, который связан с устройством отключения вентиляционной и топливной системами.

Grammar exercises.

1. Восстановите предложения, поставив данные глаголы в форму герундия.

Buy, comment, answer, sign, pay, help, recognize, make, go, see, escape.

1.___big prices for famous pictures is now a wealthy man's way of___taxation. 2. English grammar is very difficult and few writers have avoided___mistakes. 3. Maurice was saved from___.by Kate's entry with the tray. 4 The elderly ladies enjoyed___who came in and out,___old friends, and___unfavourably how these had aged. 5. Of course the contract is mutually beneficial and he is all for___it. 6. The important part of his life is___people. 7. Parks at night is a dangerous place to walk. Avoid___there after darkness. 8. Father suggested ___a new machine.

2. Поставьте глаголы в активную или пассивную форму герундия.

1. The speaker was annoyed at (interrupt) every other moment. 2. He showed no sign of (hurt). 3. They showed no sign of (recognize) us. 4. He insists on (pay) for his work done. 5. We did not want to speak to the correspondent and tried to avoid (interview) by him. 6. Excuse me for (give) so much trouble to you. 7. After (examining) by the doctor I was given a sick leave. 8. They deny (rob) the bank, but admit (make) plans about it. 9. The problem is not worth (speak of). 10. Why does he avoid (meet) journalists?

3. Переведите предложения, уделяя особое внимание герундию в роли определения.

1. Life is an art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises (S. Butler). 2. They established a commit­tee for the purpose of considering the nomenclature. 3. A searching period is an important stage in the process. 4. Stage 1 includes the process of selecting the task. 5. The planning stage is the most important one. The device has the merit of being suitable for many purposes. 6. There is no necessity of making any corrections. 7. Our purpose is to calculate the chance of the electron passing over the distance x. 8. The independent particle model has the advantage of possessing a high degree of physical visibility. 9. The observed intensity of the radiation thus emitted depends on the probability of there being an electron in the upper level of the transition. 10. There is some reason for questioning this assumption. 11. He had early opportunity of becoming well acquainted with experimental work. 12. We have no way of selecting particular enzymes that are likely to reveal effects of gene dosage.