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Метод. пособие англ. яз. СЭ-3.docx
1.18 Mб
  1. Translate into English.

1. Генератор переменного тока состоит из двух основных частей: статора с неподвижной обмоткой, в которой индуцируется переменный ток, и ротора, создающего подвижное магнитное поле.

2. Переменный ток генератора выпрямляется двухполупериодным трехфазным выпрямителем с полупроводниковыми диодами.

3. Ротор генератора переменного тока может вращаться с большей частотой, чем якорь генератора постоянного тока.

4. При большой частоте вращения якоря генератора постоянного тока ухудшается контакт между щетками и ламелями (lamel) коллектора вследствие колебания щеток при скольжении их по коллектору.

5. Под действием центробежных сил возможен выход обмоток из пазов якоря.

Grammar exercises.

Придаточные предложения определительные.

Придаточными определительными (the attributive clause), и для работы с ними понадобятся такие союзы, как who (который), whose (чей), which / that (который), where (где), why (почему).

The house where we once lived has been burnt. – Дом, в котором мы когда-то жили, сгорел.

The woman who helped us was a doctor from our local hospital. – Женщина, которая помогла нам, была доктором из нашей районной больницы.

1. Переведите предложения, определите придаточные определительные.

1. The man flowing in space is the man that really explores the full riches of space. 2. The man who was here yesterday is a painter. 3. I know the man whom you mean. 4. Our representatives whose letter I showed you yesterday will return to Moscow at the end of the week. 5. The Battle of Stalingrad which was the greatest battle of all times ended in the historic victory of the Soviet Army. 6. I have found the book that I was looking for. 7. I have seen the house where (= in which) Tolstoi died. 8. That happened in the year when I came to Moscow. 9. The vessel which arrived at the port yesterday was built in Russia. 10. The children who live in that house are my son's friends. 11. Vessels which are used for the transportation of oil are called tankers. 12. Children who live by the sea usually begin to swim at an early age. 13. We have chartered two vessels which will arrive in Odessa at the end of the month. 14. In the street I met some children who showed me the way to the station. 15. The manager of our office who is a highly educated man speaks several foreign languages. 16. A letter that (which) is written in pencil is difficult to read. 17. The man that you are speaking about is in the next room. 18. This is the house that that I used to live in. 19. The steamer that we loaded the goods on will leave the port tomorrow. 20. The fact that he has not said anything surprises everybody. 21. The statement that the house was destroyed proved to be true. 22. He came to see me off, which was very kind of him. 23. Real wages in every country are steadily rising, which means a steady increase in the purchasing of the population. 24. The problem which greatly interested the scientists was how protection could be given against radioactive rays. 25. The thing that drew the attention of scientists was that a cold material was giving out radiations that acted in the same way as light. 26. The problem which greatly interested the scientists was whether other elements besides uranium possessed the property of emitting radiation. 27. Metals and their alloys may be safely subjected to conditions in which timber would fail. 28. The laboratory is the place where experiments as well as scientific research may be carried out. 29. Chemistry is the science that deals with the structure of matter and its changes. 30. We must paу more attention to research opportunities for those young chemists who have the ability to carry out research. 31. Substances can be divided into two classes: electrolytes whose solutions conduct electricity and non-electrolytes whose solutions do not conduct electricity. 32. The liquid takes up the shape of a vessel in which it is contained. 33. Theoretical chemistry is the formulation of theories that unify facts and combine them into a system. 34. If we take some water that was used in the first experiment and pour it into the flask with the experimental solid we shall find that the water becomes quite white. 35. I don’t know exact place where it happened. 36. Yesterday I met an old schoolfellow whom I recognized at once. 37. She was met on her arrival by a man whose face she had never seen before. 38. I said nothing which made him still more furious.