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Exercise 3. Translate into Russian

  1. Claims paid abroad to be adjusted in accordance with the customs of Lloyd’s but subject to the condition of the Policy and contract of insurance. It is a condition of this insurance that losses, if presented abroad, will be paid in foreign currency at the rate of exchange current on date at place of payment.

  2. When this insurance by its terms covers on docks, wharves or elsewhere on shore, and/or during land transportation, it shall include the risks of collision, derailment, overturning or other accidents to the conveyance, fire, lightning, sprinkler leakage, cyclones, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods (meaning the rising of navigable waters), and/or collapse or subsidence of docks or wharves and any additional risk which may be specifically insured herein.

  3. This insurance is only against risks of capture, seizure, destruction or damage by men-of-war, piracy takings at sea, arrests, restraints, detainments and other war-like operations and acts of kings, princes and peoples in prosecution of hostilities or in the application of sanctions under international agreements, whether before or after declaration of war…

  4. The said goods and merchandise are to be valued at amount of invoice including all charges therein, plus any prepaid and/or advanced and/or guaranteed freight not included in the invoice, plus ______%. Foreign currency to be converted into dollars at banker's sight rate of exchange applicable to each invoice and/or credit and/or draft.

  5. It’s agreed that upon payment of any loss this Company is to be subrogated to all the rights and claims of the Assured arising out of such loss against any person or corporations whatsoever either under Bills of Lading or otherwise.

Exercise 4. Translate into English:

1. Страхование риска ответственности за нарушение договора допускается в случаях, предусмотренных законом.

2. По договору страхования риска ответственности за нарушение договора может быть застрахован только риск ответственности самого страхователя. Договор страхования, не соответствующий этому требованию, ничтожен.

3. Риск ответственности за нарушение договора считается застрахованным в пользу стороны, перед которой по условиям этого договора страхователь должен нести соответствующую ответственность, - выгодоприобретателя, даже если договор страхования заключен в пользу другого лица либо в нем не сказано, в чью пользу он заключен.

  1. В период действия договора имущественного страхования страхователь (выгодоприобретатель) обязан незамедлительно сообщать страховщику о ставших ему известными значительных изменениях в обстоятельствах, сообщенных страховщику при заключении договора, если эти изменения могут существенно повлиять на увеличение страхового риска. Значительными во всяком случае признаются изменения, оговоренные в договоре страхования (страховом полисе) и в переданных страхователю правилах страхования.

  2. Страховщик, уведомленный об обстоятельствах, влекущих увеличение страхового риска, вправе потребовать изменения условий договора страхования или уплаты дополнительной страховой премии соразмерно увеличению риска.

  3. Если страхователь (выгодоприобретатель) возражает против изменения условий договора страхования или доплаты страховой премии, страховщик вправе потребовать расторжения договора в соответствии с установленными правилами.

  4. При неисполнении страхователем либо выгодоприобретателем предусмотренной в настоящем договоре, обязанности страховщик вправе потребовать расторжения договора страхования и возмещения убытков, причиненных расторжением договора.

  5. Страховщик не вправе требовать расторжения договора страхования, если обстоятельства, влекущие увеличение страхового риска, уже отпали.

Lesson 2


1. The Insurance Company in accordance with these Rules accepts for insurance cargoes to be transported by surface, water and air transport.

2. Under insurance contract concluded in accordance with these Rules are indemnified losses and expenses due to total loss of the cargo (or part of it) and/or due to removal of damages to the cargo (or part of it) arising from fortuitous accidents and perils of the carriage as well as due to other sudden and unforeseen reasons except those specified hereunder.

3. Losses and expenses arising in consequence of the following are not to be indemnified warlike operations and their consequences, piracy, commotion and labour conflicts, acts of sabotage or terrorism; actions of governmental authorities against the insured cargo excluding measures to prevent or diminish the risk of pollution; willful action or rude imprudence of assured or beneficiary or their representatives and infraction by them the rules of transportation and storage of cargo; effect of usual weather conditions or specific and/or natural internals of cargo;

4. The insurance contract is concluded for one cargo conveyance. Insurance Company’s liability starts from the moment the cargo is taken from the place of storage including the loading in the point of departure and covers storage/reloading of cargo in the points of transshipments.

3.2. The insurance contract expires at the moment of the cargo's delivery to the point of destination (including discharging) but not more than 30 days from the start out of the insurance. Renewal over 30 days can be provided for additional payment. Under a special contract (General Policy) can be insured all or distinct kinds of cargoes which the assured receive or transmit during a certain period. The assured is obliged to inform Insurance Company in respect of each transmission of cargo falling under the General Policy even after the delivery of cargo to the point of destination in undamaged condition. If the assured deliberately informed Insurance Company untimely, unduly or didn't inform at all, than Insurance Company has a rights to cancel the General Policy and to receive all the sums of the insurance premium which Insurance Company could receive in the case of a conscientious fulfillment of the General Policy by the assured.

5. If necessary the insurance contract is concluded with inspection of cargo and scheduling of its assessment on the base of consignments, invoices and other documents confirming the presence and the value of the cargo.

6. The assured is obliged to pay the calculated insurance payment at once, then the insurance contract will entitle in force, unless otherwise stipulated in the insurance contract.

7. The cargo is considered to be insured in the sum announced by the assured but not higher the value specified in the customer's invoice (including transportation expenses) or other documents specified in point 3.5. of these Rules. The assured is obliged immediately he becomes aware thereof inform Insurance Company of any essential modifications in the risk, for instance: delay of the cargo's shipment, modification of the route, places of loading, transshipment, discharging, method of shipment etc.. Modifications increasing the extent of the risk give Insurance Company the right to demand the additional insurance payment. If the assured refuses to pay the additional insurance payments the insurance contract ceases from the moment of the increasing in the risk appeared. If the assured didn't inform about the increasing in the risk Insurance Company has the right to cancel the insurance contract and to demand the indemnity of the incurred losses.

8. Insurance Company that paid-up the insurance indemnity receives within the ambit of this sum the right of pretence to the guilty party; the insured is obliged at the receiving of the insurance indemnification circulate all his documents necessary for realization of the subrogation.

If on the fault of insured the subrogation can't be realized then insurer in the congruous size disengage from the obligation to pay insurance indemnification, in case it has been paid-up already the insured is obliged to return to insurer the insurance indemnification.