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В.В.Сдобников Praktikum_kom_perevod_022900.doc
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- перевозка; документ о передаче имущества

hull policy

- полис страхования судна

builder’s risk policy

- полис, покрывающий страховые риски

fleet policy

- единый полис страхования флота

insurable interest

- страховой интерес (подлежащий страхованию)


- первый страховой взнос

DIC clause

- оговорка о различиях в условиях страхования

evidence of insurance

- документ о страховании

open cargo policy

- полис страхования груза против всех рисков, кроме особо оговоренных


Exercise 1. Find English equivalents for:

Первый страховой взнос, страховой интерес, полис страхования судна, оговорка о различии в условиях страхования, страхование на случай столкновения, страхователь, сумма страхового покрытия, перевозка, страхование утери, индоссамент, требование возмещения убытков.

Exercise 2. Translate into Russian:

Marine Policy Provisions

  1. The insured on account of whom the policy is concerned must possess a true interest for the policy to be valid. In the case of mortgages on hulls, the policy is to be made payable to the mortgagee and the insured as their respective interest may appear. All claimants to a loss must prove their insurable interest, as well as the amount of the claim, through documentary evidence.

  2. It is understood and agreed that this insurance attaches from the time of goods leave the factory, store, or warehouse at the initial point of shipment, and covers thereafter continuously, in due course of transportation, until same are delivered at store or warehouse at destination (warehouse to warehouse clause).

  3. This insurance is also specially to cover any loss of or damage to the interests insured hereunder, through any latent defect in the machinery, hull or appurtenances, or from faults or errors in the navigation and/or management of the vessel… (Inchmaree clause). Should the vessel be fumigated and direct loss or damage to the assured’s merchandise result therefrom, this Company agrees to indemnify the assured for such loss or damage.

  4. In the event of risk of war being assumed by endorsement under this policy, the assured warrants not to abandon in case of capture, seizure, or detention, until after the condemnation of the property insured; nor until ninety days after notice of said condemnation is given to this Company.

  5. It shall be and may be lawful for the said vessel, in her voyage to proceed and said to, touch and stay at, any ports or places, if thereunto obliged by stress of weather or other unavoidable accident, without prejudice to this insurance.

  6. In case of loss, such loss to be paid in thirty days. After proof of loss, and proof of interest (amount of the note given for the premium, if unpaid, being first deducted), but no partial loss or particular average shall in any case be paid, unless amounting to 5%.

  7. The subject-matter insured is reasonably abandoned on account of its actual total loss appearing to be unavoidable, or because it could not be preserved from actual total loss without an expenditure which would exceed its value.

  8. If an interest insured hereunder is covered by other insurance attached prior to the coverage provided by this Policy, then this Company shall be liable only for the amount in excess of such prior insurance; and this Company shall return the premium upon so much of the sum by them insured as they shall be by such prior insurance exonerated from (double insurance clause).