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В.В.Сдобников Praktikum_kom_perevod_022900.doc
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forwarding agents

- экспедиторы

to be in touch

- связываться с кем-либо


- перегрузка, перевалка

e.t.a. (estimated time of arrival, expected time of arrival)

- ожидаемое время прибытия

Lesson 3. Claims connected with delivery of damaged or substandard goods

Expressions used in connection with damaged or substandard goods


1) We regret to inform you that the examination of the goods shipped by M.V. "Vera" against Contract No 1250 has shown that they are not in accordance with the contract specification.

2) The goods shipped by you in execution of our Contract No 1500 do not correspond with the sample on the basis of which the Contract was signed.

3) We have received serious complaints from our clients with regard to the machine shipped by you against Contract No 142.

4) We regret having to complain of some grave defects in the machine delivered by you in execution of our Order No 1682.

5) We have examined the goods in the damaged cases and find that we cannot use them.

6) The goods are inferior to the sample.

7) Failing your acceptance of our offer the claim will be submitted to Arbitration.

8) We are making a claim on you for inferior quality of the goods as follows...

9) We opened at random a number of cases which showed no sign of damage on the outside and found that the contents were badly damaged.

10) We estimate that the damage amounts to...


1) We regret to hear that the goods dispatched in execution of your Order No... have not met with your approval.

2) We are sorry that you have had trouble with the Grinding Machine delivered against your Order No...

3) We suggest that the consignment be examined by experts.

4) We have carefully examined your complaint and find that it is apparently due to a misunderstanding.

5) We cannot accept your claim for the following reason:...

6) We cannot be responsible for any damage incurred during the transport.

7) We hope that you will be satisfied with this explanation and withdraw your claim.

8) In the opinion of our expert, $... would be a fair compensation.

9) We feel sure that you will withdraw your claim after a closer examination of the goods.


a sample

- образец (товара)

at random

- наугад


- зд.: ущерб, сумма ущерба


- зд.: недоразумение

a fair compensation

- достаточная компенсация


Note that the following synonymic expressions may be used in the meaning "во время (в процессе) транспортировки": during transportation, during transport, in transport, in transit.


Exercise 1. Translate the text from English into Russian:

Dear Sirs:

Following your letter of October 7, we are disappointed to learn that your customers have in any way had an unhappy experience with the quality of our leather.

You complain that it does not meet the Specifications on the basis of which the Contract was concluded. You enclose results of visual examination and laboratory tests indicating the poor quality of the product. We have carefully studied the material and find your claim justified.

We hope that the complaint will be discussed during our personal meeting and we shall consider to what extent we shall satisfy your claim.

On the other hand we would like to remind you that throughout the period since February we have most carefully fulfilled the orders which we had from you under very adverse conditions and at considerable loss to ourselves.

We have always understood that you were good enough to place great importance to continuity in out mutual relationship. We shall be sorry to know that you are proposing that our association is now ended.

Sincerely yours

Exercise 2. Give the English for:

по контракту; не соответствовать спецификации; выполнять контракт; вынуждены сообщить Вам; образец, на основе которого был заключен контракт; мы получили серьезные претензии от наших клиентов; осмотр товаров показал; признавать претензию обоснованной; мы с огорчением узнали; мы предъявляем Вам претензию по поводу низкого качества товаров; качество товаров не соответствует качеству образца; сумма ущерба составляет; с сожалением мы узнали; товар был поврежден в пути; достаточная компенсация.

Exercise 3. Translate the letters:

1) Dear Sirs:

The 100 electric motors we ordered on July 12 (Order No 734) arrived yesterday. However, on opening the cases we found that 12 motors had been damaged by seawater and seem to be a complete write-off.

We have arranged for Lloyd's surveyor to investigate the extent of the damage and we shall forward his report, together with our claim, as soon as the survey has been held.

In the meantime we would ask you to dispatch a further consignment of 50 motors as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

2) Report by Surveyor:

Date: July 24, 1997

Place: Warehouse No 10,

Keppel Harbor,


For: The Singapore Import Agency,

Kanton Building, Singapore

Insurance Policy No 16/2193


I inspected the consignment of 100 electric motors shipped from Tokyo by m.v. MITSUO MARU on July 15, and found twelve of these motors unserviceable owing to the action of salt water over a period of between four to eight days.

I learnt that the cases containing the damaged goods had been stowed at the bottom of Hold No 3 and that a considerable amount of water had been found in this hold. I inspected the hatch-covers and found that the hatch concerned had been covered with a very old tarpaulin, and it was obvious that water had got in by this means. The ship's log confirmed that the weather during the first four days after leaving Tokyo had been stormy with a great deal of rain.

The twelve motors examined are a complete write-off, and their value is 420; however, to this will have to be added 19 to cover the cost of freight of the replacement motors being sent from Tokyo. The total compensation will therefore be 439.
