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It is important to realise that a business will have other aims. These include:

  1. Survival: most of the time firms will not be worried about this. However, particularly in times of economic diffi­culty - such as recession - surviving will become an impor­tant short-term aim of the firm. In order to survive, the firm may have to make workers redundant and close some of its factories.

  2. Growth: not all firms want to grow continually but growth is closely associated with survival. Very often, partic­ularly for firms in highly competitive situations, e.g. com­puting and electronics, growth and development are the only way to ensure survival. Furthermore, shareholders and employees may benefit from the growth of the company.

  3. Image: how the public at large views a company can be particularly important, and to this end a number of compa­nies have public relations departments that have specific responsibility to improve the image of the company. A tar­nished image can very often lose the company business.

Essential Vocabulary

aim n - намерение, цель; to set an aim - ставить цель business organization коммерческая организация commercial wants коммерческие потребности competitive adj - конкурентоспособный corporation nакционерное общество; корпорация distribution n - распределение establish vосновывать, учреждать

general partnership - компания/товарищество с неограни­ченной ответственностью

government organization - правительственная организа­ция

growth п - рост, развитие

invest v - инвестировать, вкладывать деньги, капитал

limited partnership - компания/товарищество с ограни­ченной ответственностью

make a profit - получать прибыль

material wants - материальные потребности

meet wants - удовлетворять потребности

partnership contract = partnership agreement - договор/со-глашение о сотрудничестве

partnership п — товарищество, партнерство

private business - частное предприятие

private organization - частная организация

profitability п — рентабельность, прибыльность, доход­ность,

provision of a contract - условие договора

public at large - широкий круг людей

public organization - общественная организация

shareholder п - акционер

shares npl- акции

social welfare - социальное обеспечение sole proprietorship - единоличное владение stock п - акционерный капитал; основной калитал; фонды stockholder п - акционер, владелец государственных цен­ных бумаг; пайщик stocks п pi - государственные ценные бумаги sue v - подавать в суд, возбуждать иск, предъявлять иск survival п - выживание (на рынке) to this end - с этой целью


I* Translate the following words and word combinations or find Russian equivalents.

  1. to provide for material wants

  2. to satisfy society's desire for social welfare

  3. to set very definite and clear aims

  4. to provide professional services

  5. small retail stores

  6. real estate firms

  7. to formulate a written agreement

  8. the distribution of profits and losses

  9. specific responsibilities

  10. to hire workers

  11. to pay taxes

  12. to invest in the business

  13. short-term aim

  14. public relations departments

  15. board of directors

2* Translate the following sentences into Russian.

  1. Organizations are established to meet wants in society.

  2. The aims of an organization are normally decided by the board of directors.

  3. A business owned and controlled by one person is called a sole proprietorship.

  4. A partnership is a business that is owned and con­trolled by two or more people.

  5. A partnership contract outlines the distribution of profits and losses.

  6. A corporation is owned by stockholders.

  7. Stockholders invest in a corporation in order to make a profit.

  8. Profitability is the main aim of any business organ­ization.

9. Shareholders and employees benefit from the growth of the company. 10. A number of companies have public relations depart­ments to improve the image of the company.

Fill the gaps in the sentences below with the words and expressions from the box. There are two expressions, which you don't need to use.

public at large, shares, closed corporation, distribu­tion, material wants, invest, social welfare, make a profit, limited, provision, commercial wants

  1. Private businesses are formed mainly to provide for

(i.e., goods and services) and

(i.e., banking, insurance) in society.

  1. Government organizations, on the other hand, tend to satisfy society's desire for defence, law and order, edu - cation and .

  2. Every organization has very definite and clear aims: to stay in business and .

  3. Partnership can be general or .

  4. A partnership contract includes for a iding

or dropping partners and dissol ving the partnership.

  1. A is owned by a limited number of share- holders.

  2. A publicly owned corporation allows its to

be purchased by anyone who chooses to invest in the business.

  1. The image of the company which means how the

views a company can be particularly important.

Find English equivalents for the following Russian expressions and words.

  1. удовлетворять потребности

  2. социальное обеспечение

  1. получать прибыль

  2. правление (совет директоров)

  3. распределение прибылей и убытков

  4. вкладывать деньги в бизнес

  5. извлекать пользу из

  6. широкий круг людей

  7. отдел по связям с общественностью 10. конкурентоспособный

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

  1. Организации создаются для того, чтобы удовлетво­рять потребности общества.

  2. Правительственные организации удовлетворяют потребности общества в защите, законе и порядке, образовании и социальном обеспечении.

  3. Организации ставят перед собой определенные и четкие цели, например — получать прибыль.

  4. Акции - это сертификаты на право собственности в корпорации.

  5. Акционеры — это лица, которые вкладывают сред­ства в корпорацию путем приобретения пакета ак­ций.

  6. Многие врачи, юристы, пекари, дантисты организу­ют индивидуальные частные л редприятия для пред­оставления профессиональных услуг.

  7. Товарищество - бизнес, которым владеют и управ­ляют двое или более человек.

  8. Чтобы избежать конфликтов, партнеры обычно за­ключают письменное соглашение, называемое дого­вором о сотрудничестве.

  9. Корпорации имеют право приобретать собствен­ность и ресурсы, нанимать рабочих, заключать кон­тракты.

10. Рост и развитие фирмы - это единственный путь, чтобы гарантировать ее выживание.



5* Before you listen to Dialogue No 1 use Glossary to match the words below with their definitions.

  1. capital

  2. investment

  3. dividends

  4. share

  5. profit

  6. earnings

  7. turnover

  1. amount of sales of goods or services produced by a company in a particu­lar period of time

  2. one of the equal parts of a company that you can buy as a way of invest­ing money

  3. the money that remains after the costs of doing business have been paid

  4. the profit made by a company

  5. payments corporations make to their shareholders

  6. placing of money so that it will increase in value

  7. money needed to start or grow a business

Listen to Dialogue No 1 between two speakers and answer the questions below. Then listen again and check your answers.

  1. What are management trainees supposed to do?

  2. What are the keys to company's success according to Managing Director?

  3. How can the company keep up its image?

g* Complete the dialogue using the words from the box. There are two words which you don't need to use.

investment, earnings, shares, management, profit, dividends, turnover, capital, image

RICHARD: What does one need to start a business?

FRANK: To start a business, you need (1) ~ that

is, money. You can borrow it; or you can sell parts of your company - equal parts, of course. These are called (2) and the people who buy them become share- holders.

RICHARD: Why do the shareholders buy the shares?

FRANK: They expect to get something in return for their

(3) . If the company does well, it pays

(4) on each share. The value of the shares (of

a public company) can rise, so that their market price is often much higher than the amount printed on the share certificate - though it may fall below it if the company does badly.

RICHARD: Why do serious investors read the financial press?

FRANK: They want to know not only the share prices but the

company's (5) , and the company's

(6) , and the result of dividing that amount

by the number of shares which is called (7)

per share.

RICHARD: You seem to know everything about company business. Thank you for information.

9* Before you listen to Dialogue No 2 match the expressions in the left column with their translation in the right one.

  1. Managing Director

  2. General Manager

  3. Financial Director

  4. Personnel Manager

  5. Training Manager

  1. директор по вопросам обу­чения персонала

  2. плановый отдел

  3. директор предприятия

  4. председатель

  1. administrative department

  2. research and deve­lopment department

  3. production division

  4. finance department

  5. planning department

  6. purchasing depart­ment

  7. accountant

  8. chairman

  9. report to

  10. employ

  1. производственный отдел

  2. финансовый директор

  3. отдел научно-исследова­тельских и опытно-конст­рукторских работ

  4. бухгалтер

i. нанимать на работу

j. административный отдел к. финансовый отдел 1. начальник отдела кадров т. генеральный директор п. отчитываться перед кем-л. о. отдел закупок

|0 Listen to Dialogue No 2 between two speakers and answer the questions below. Then listen again and check your answers.

  1. Who are talking?

  2. What are the main departments of TMN Ltd.?

  3. How many divisions are there in the production depart­ment?

  4. Who reports to the Financial Manager?

  5. What are the functions of the purchasing department?


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