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Chapter ten

  1. Силой своей личности Билл Гейтс установил свой собственный порядок в быстро развивающейся ко vi-пьютерной промышленности.

  2. Миссия "Майкрософт" состояла в том, чтобы посто­янно продвигать и совершенствовать технологию программного обеспечения.

  3. Билл Гейтс отдавал свои силы на то, чтобы пользо­вание компьтером стало легче, рентабельнее и до­ставляло удовольствие.

  1. software architect

  2. Internet technologies

  3. an upgraded operating system

  4. demand

  5. computer nerd, software

  6. marketplace

  7. computer technology, net worth

  8. information technology

  9. business problems

10. innovative, forward-thinking

  1. worldwide leader

  2. software

  3. Internet

  4. operating system

  5. to excite demand

  6. computer nerd

  7. programming language

  8. software development

  9. crucial point

10. unwavering confidence

  1. Microsoft's success lies in Gates's unwavering confi­dence in his own ideas.

  2. Gates developed a version of the programming lan-guage BASIC for the first microcomputer.

  1. Gates had the most important tools needed for soft­ware development: brains and computers.

  2. Ga tes had everything necessary for computer indus­try: he had product, programming expertise, and a vision of greater possibilities.

  3. Gates has donated the proceeds of both books to non­profit organizations.

  1. lc, 2k, 3g, 4h, 5e, 6i, 7a, 8b, 9j, 10m, lln, 12d, 131, 14f

  2. Talk No 1 (332 words)

A TV narrator is presenting one of the most successful and popular women of her time, Mary Kay Ash.

Today I am going to tell you about a woman who built the first female corporate culture and who became one of the most successful entrepreneurs in cosmetic business. I am sure you have guessed right, it's Mary Kay Ash.

In 1963, when she was forty-five and when most American women did not hold full-time jobs, Mary Kay launched a direct-sales cosmetics company run by women. From modest origins in a Dallas storefront, Mary Kay Cosmetics grew into a vertically integrated corporation with annual sales of over $950 million. In 1976 it became the first company chaired by a woman to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Mary Kay was born in 1918 in Hot Wells, Texas. At seven­teen she married Ben Rogers, a local musician and radio per­sonality. The young couple had three children within seven years. Mary Kay found a job with a direct-sales company because it was a good-paying job with flexible hours. When her husband divorced her in 1945 she had to raise her children as a single mother.

In 1963, she decided to form her own direct-sales cosmet­ics company. Mary Kay built a new corporate culture based on the education, participation, and authority of women. I

In 1966, she decided to rebuild her personal life. She mar­ried Mel Ash, a businessman whom she had met on a blind date.

In 1972, with several thousand employees and $18 million in sales Mary Kay Cosmetics was one of the nation's largest pri vate employers of women.

Her success is based upon sound business practices com­bined with tenacity and original thinking - about the market place, about corporate structure, and about women themselves.

In 1994, the company celebrated another record-breaking year, one in which sales totaled $850 million. Her company's structure inspired hundreds of thousands of saleswomen to become small-business operators. She encouraged their self-esteem and confi­dence through constant positive reinforcement and material rewards. In one of her books Mary Kay wrote "I believe in the per­sonal touch, because it makes every human feel appreciated."

g 1. entrepreneur

  1. chief executive officer

  2. personal computer industry

  3. business world

  4. computer science

  5. market

  6. computer

  7. correct

  8. profits 10.corporate

  1. lh, 2f, 3k, 41, 5g, 6a, 7j, 8c, 9e, lOd, lib, 12i

  2. Talk No 2 (365 words)

A cinema reviewer is speaking about the king of animated cartoons, about the greatest dreamer of all times Walt Disney.

Today I am going to tell you about a world-famous pro­ducer, the creator of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snow White and Cinderella about Walt Disney. He was always a man of dreams, fantasy and imagination.

Walt Disney was born in 1901 in Chicago. At the age of sixteen he volunteered as a driver with the American Red

Cross. After the war he returned home to Chicago and settled in Kansas City where he found a job with a company produc­ing cartoon advertisements.

In 1923, Walt Disney left Kansas City for Hollywood, a place where he had heard young film-makers could find finan­cial backing for their projects. Disney boarded a train with $40 in his pocket. When a fellow traveler asked about his intentions, he said, "I am going to direct great Hollywood motion pictures."

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