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Chapter two

I 1. обеспечивать материальные потребности

  1. удовлетворять запросы общества в области социаль­ного обеспечения

  2. устанавливать четкие и ясные цели

  3. обеспечивать профессиональные услуги

  4. мелкие магазины розничной торговли

  5. фирмы по торговле недвижимостью

  6. составить письменный договор

  7. распределение прибылей и убытков

  8. конкретные обязанности

  1. нанимать рабочих

  2. платить налоги

  3. вкладывать деньги в бизнес

  4. краткосрочная цель

  5. отдел связи с общественностью

  6. правление, совет директоров

  1. Организации учреждаются для удовлетворения по­требностей общества.

  2. Цели организации обычно решаются советом ди­ректоров (правлением).

  3. Дело, которое принадлежит одному лицу и управ­ляется одним лицом, называется единоличным вла­дением.

  4. Товарищество - это дело, которое принадлежит двум и более лицам и управляется двумя и более л и-цами.

  5. В договоре о сотрудничестве намечается распреде­ление прибылей и убытков.

  6. Корпорация принадлежит акционерам.

  7. Акционеры вкладывают деньги в корпорацию, что­бы получить прибыль.

  8. Рентабельность - это основная цель любой коммер­ческой организации.

  9. Акционеры и служащие получают выгоду от роста компании.

10. Ряд компаний имеют отделы по связям с обществен­ностью, чтобы улучшить имидж компании.

  1. material wants, commercial wants

  2. social welfare

  3. make a profit

  4. limited

  5. provision

  6. closed corporation


  8. public at large 2| 1. to meet wants

  1. social welfare

  2. to make a profit

  3. board of directors

5- distribution of profits and losses

  1. to invest in the business

  2. to benefit from

  3. public at large

  4. public relations department 10. competitive

5 1- Organizations are established to meet wants in society.

  1. Government Organizations satisfy society's desire for defence, law and order, education and social welfare.

  2. Organizations set definite and clear aims, e.g. to make a profit.

  3. Stocks are the certificates of ownership in the corpo­ration.

  4. Stockholders are individuals who invest in a corpora­tion by buying shares of stock.

  5. Many doctors, lawyers, bakers, dentists organize sole proprietorships to provide professional services.

  6. A partnership is a business that is owned and con­trolled by two or more people.

  7. In order to avoid conflicts, the partners usually for­mulate a written agreement called a partnership con-


  1. Corporations can buy property and resources, hire workers, make contracts.

10. Growth and development of the firm are the only way to ensure its survival.

  1. lg, 2f, 3e, 4b, 5c, 6d, 7a

  2. Dialogue No 1 (174 words)

A new management trainee Peter Jackson is speaking with the Managing Director of the company.

  1. Английский язык для экономистов

PETER: Good Morning. My name is Peter Jackson, I am the new management trainee.

MANAGING DIRECTOR: Hello, Peter! Management trainees are supposed to make themselves familiar with every department of the company. I think you might find it use­ful to write a company profile. Visit all the department heads. Introduce yourself. Find out everything you can about how the company is organized, how each depart­ment operates. I tell you what. How would you like to write a short report for me, say by the end of the week?

PETER: Yes, of course.

MANAGING DIRECTOR: Oh, would you like to make a start now?

PETER: Yes, of course, but before getting down to my report, will you explain me some basic notions?

MANAGING DIRECTOR: What exactly are you interested in?

PETER: Well, does the company profit depend on the turnover?

MANAGING DIRECTOR: First of all, I believe, that the

company's profit depends on professional management,

capital invested, and reliable personnel. PETER: Oh, that's great! Thank you, I will remember that. MANAGING DIRECTOR: One more thing. The company's

image depends on its earnings per share and timely payout

dividends to shareholders.

g (1) capital


  2. investment

  3. dividends

  4. turnover

  5. profit

  6. earnings

9 lm, 2c, 3f, 41, 5a, 6j, 7g, 8e, 9k, 10b, llo, 12h, 13d, 14n 15i

|0 Dialogue No 2 ( 286 words)

John Knox, the General Manager of the factory, is speak­ing with the journalist presenting the company on TV channel.

PRESENTER: Today we are talking to John Knox about the structure of TMN Ltd. John is the General Manager of the branch factory. John, do you think you could tell us some­thing about the way TMN is actually organized?

JOHN KNOX: Yes, certainly. We employ about two thou­sand people all in all two different locations. Most people work here at our headquarters plant. And this is of course where we have the administrative departments.

PRESENTER: Perhaps you could say something about the departmental structure?

JOHN KNOX: Well, yes. First of all we've got different divisions. There's the production division which, as the name suggests, is responsible for production operations. And as you know we've got two factories. Oh, and I forgot to mention the most impor­tant division of all. That's finance division. The Financial Director is Fred Samuels. He's a very important man. And his task is to make sure the money-side of things is going all right. The accountant and such people, they report to him directly.

PRESENTER: Is that all?

JOHN KNOX: Oh no, no, there's personnel division. PRESENTER: Yes.

JOHN KNOX: That's quite separate. David Brown is Personnel Manager. And the Training Manager reports to him of course.

PRESENTER: What about Research and Development? Isn't

that a separate department? JOHN KNOX: Well, in terms of the laboratories, there are

two at each production plant. PRESENTER: Are there any other features worth mentioning? JOHN KNOX: Now there's the planning department. Ray

Wood is in charge of that. And a purchasing department

where they buy in the materials for production.

PRESENTER: Yes, and what about the board of directors

and the chairman? JOHN KNOX: Yes, well, they're at the top, aren't the}'? The

Managing Director, of course, that's Ernest Roberts and then...

12 1. True, 2. False, 3. True, 4. False, 5. True, 6. False, 7. True IJ lc, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5c, 6a, 7b . |5 le, 2c, 3b, 4a, 5f, 6d

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