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Words and Expressions

buy retail - покупать в розницу

buy wholesale - покупать оптом, осуществлять оптовые за­купки

commission п — комиссионное вознаграждение customer facilities - сервисное обслуживание потребителей customer services - выполнение заявок клиентов direct selling - продажа без посредников distribution п - распределение, распространение distribution channels - каналы распределения distribution costs - издержки обращения distribution network - распределительная сеть, сеть рас­пространения

diverse adj - многообразный, разнообразный, разнотип­ный

diversity п - разнообразие; многообразие; разнородность

household products — хозяйственные товары

link п — (связующее) звено; звено цепи, связь

lorry п — грузовой автомобиль, грузовик

mass-produce v - вести массовое производство

perishable а - скоропортящийся

perishables npl- скоропортящийся товар/груз

Public Relations связь с общественностью (пресса, потре­бители, клиенты и т.д.)

retail п — розничная продажа , розничный торговец

retail buying - покупка товаров в розницу, retail buyer я

retail chains - розничные магазины, принадлежащие од­ной компании

retail outlet - розничная торговая точка

retailer п = retail dealer - розничный торговец

retailer adj розничный, продающий в розницу

sales force - продавцы, работники торговых предприятий,

торговые агенты sell goods wholesale - продавать товары оптом sell retail v - продавать в розницу storage п - хранение, база, склад, хранилище storage costs складские издержки trade fair - ярмарка warehouse п - товарный склад

warehouse v - помещать в склад; хранить на складе wholesale adj - оптовый

wholesale л = wholesale business - оптовая торговля wholesaler = wholesale dealer - оптовый торговец оптовик

|| Answer the questions.

  1. What is full chain of distribution?

  2. What does distribution channel mean?

  3. In what cases is the full chain of distribution used?

  4. When is the wholesaler eliminated?

  5. When is the direct selling used?

  6. What are the main functions of a sales team?

  7. What are the advantages of the full chain of distribu­tion for the manufacturer and retailer?

  8. What are the disadvantages of the full chain of distri­bution for the manufacturer and retailer?

  9. What are the main three approaches to organizing the sales force?

  10. What titles of sales jobs can you mention?

  11. What are the functions of PR ?

  12. What is the difference between PR and customer serv­ices?

|2* Say if the statements are true or false. Prove your point.

1. Many industrial products and services are sold directly to the consumer or user, e.g. aircraft and lathes.

  1. Most consumer products are usually distributed through wholesale organizations.

  2. In some industries the wholesaler may sell the goods directly to the customer and no retailer is involved.

  3. Frozen-food firms and large bakeries refuse to have their own distribution network.

  4. The manufacturer mass-producing the goods constant­ly worries about storage and distribution costs.

  5. Public Relations (PR) is sometimes a separate depart­ment outside the marketing function.

U Complete the sentences matching the beginning of the sentence with one of the endings.

  1. By tradition many manufacturers sell their products to a wholesaler who .

  2. Most consumer products are usually distributed ___

  3. In some industries the manufacturer may sell directly to the customer .

  4. Mail order companies are a good example of

  1. The sales team may also be the first link

  2. The variety of titles of selling jobs proves

  1. distribution without a retailer

  2. without a wholesaler or retailer being involved

  3. that most sales jobs involve a maximum of creativity

d warehouses the goods until they are required by the retailer

  1. between the customer and the company

  2. through retail organizations


|4* Read the following text and pick out the expressions in bold type to fill in the Useful Language box below, con­taining six sections for six language functions.

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