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IV. Fill in the blanks with the proper words given below.

The second (1)… of the constitution of the USA means that every (2)… has the right to (3)… and carry a gun if they wish to. In most other western democracies, the (4)… is very different – the ownership of guns is strictly (5)…. In Britain following terrible tragedies, all privately owned (6)… are now banned.

Handguns, citizen, law, controlled, amendment, own.

V. Give the appropriate translation to the Russian words.

  1. The accused was признан виновным and 8 sentenced to 5 years in prison.

  2. He was made to заплатить штраф of 30 pounds for parking in the wrong place.

  3. She was arrested and осуждена for murdering her husband.

  4. He was подозревался в stealing money from the safe but they had no real evidence.

  5. You have совершили a minor offense and I will be lenient with my sentence.

  6. If you признаете себя виновным the judge will probably reduce your sentence.


Living in a multicultural society

Our own society is the only one,

which we can transform and yet

not destroy, since the changes,

which we should introduce,

would come from within.

Claude Levi-Strauss

The importance of maintaining one’s cultural identity – and therefore the need to preserve, protect and defend one’s culturally shared values – often leads to the overestimating of the uniqueness of this or that nation. On the other hand, the hightened emphasis on culture is accompanied by growing opportunities to interact with people whose cultural background is different from one’s own. To some extent, national images may obstruct international understanding because they are, in a way, negative and misleading, and generally may cause international and national friction. No nation can afford cultural isolation as well as no country has the right to impose its merits on the whole civilization. We need to understand our co-inhabitants on the earth so that we can compete effectively in an increasingly global economy.

While working on the material of this unit be ready to discuss the issues of the intercultural connections, the problem of changing the place of living or citizenship, some racial or national prejudices and the variety of the national peculiarities which have to be accepted to avoid cultural shocks.

Basic vocabulary terms

descendant (n)

an offspring of a certain ancestor, family, group

asylum (n)

a safe place;

stereotype (n)

fixed or conventional notion or conception

exodus (n)

a mass departure;

influx (n)

arrival in large numbers;

deport (v)

send out of the country;

migrate (v)

move from one place to another (to live there);