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Present Continuous Tense

Task 11. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Present Continuous Tense. After that make these sentences negative.

        1. Today an engineer ____ (to apply) his scientific and technical knowledge to building useful works.

        2. These students ____ (to train) to design modern aircrafts.

        3. At this meeting engineers ____ (to evaluate) the project’s outcome.

        4. Now Royal engineers ____ (to discuss) how to make improvements to the local infrastructure.

        5. How fast ____ technology ____ (to advance) nowadays?

        6. New fields in engineering ____ (to emerge) in our country nowadays.

        7. More women _________ ( to come) into engineering now.

Task 12. Read the following sentences and make questions to get the words in bold as answers:

  1. Our director is arranging the classes for our apprentices for Monday to avoid interfering with the schedules of the engineers.

  2. Right now I am visiting a client site one day every week, whether supporting current projects or trying to develop new opportunities.

  3. Now I am having a conversation about computers and carbon fiber and fuel economy with my colleagues from Poland.

  4. These days he is making calculations on how much energy can be saved by taking a certain measure. 

  5. I'm also starting training to do modeling of chemical processes.

  6. They are working on researching sensors or responding to emails to keep tabs on my project teams.

  7. They are redesigning existing components and manufacturing systems and processes with special machinery.


Task 13. Translate the following sentences from English into Ukrainian:

  1. The word engineer originated in the eleventh century from the Latin ingeniator, meaning one with ingenium, the ingenious one.  

  2. The Newcomen Society is the oldest society in the world specializing in the history of engineering and technology and has published over a 1000 papers.

  3. History taught us that through engineering, mankind is continuously breaking its inborn limits. 

  4. For centuries "engineer" meant military engineer, one who built defensive works, engines of war and other military requirements. 

  5. By the late 19th century numerous changes were occurring that accelerated engineering towards ever greater specialization and diversity. 

  6. Engineering enjoys a reciprocal relationship with society that is often taken for granted.

  7. Engineering is a demanding discipline and engineers must continue to update their knowledge and skills.

Task 14. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English:

  1. Визначення "інженер" означає особу, яка здійснює практичні і корисні винаходи.

  2. Перший (праінженерний) етап історії розвитку інженерії був етапом становлення інженерної діяльності в Стародавньому світі, пов'язаним головним чином з будівництвом та архітектурою.

  3. Інженерія – сфера людської інтелектуальної діяльності, де застосовуються досягненння науки для вирішення конкретних проблем людства.

  4. При вирішенні поставлених завдань інженер, як правило, знаходить декілька можливих рішень.

  5. Інженер застосовує як наукові знання, так і практичний досвід для створення корисних технічних процесів і об'єктів.

  6. Інженерія, як і інші галузі, що охоплюють широке коло людської діяльності, поділяється на декілька підгалузей.

  7. Певний час термін інженерія був маловживаним, але останнім часом активно відновлюється, особливо в таких сполученнях, як «генна інженерія», «інженерія програмного забезпечення», «інженерія знань» тощо.


Task 15. Imagine that engineers from different centuries (Hans Lippershey (the inventor of the first refracting telescope) – XVII th century, Alessandro Volta (the inventor of the battery) – IXX th century, Igor Sikorsky (the inventor of the first successful helicopter) – XXth century) have a chance to meet each other. If you were one of these famous scientists share your thoughts about the advancements of your epoch in the field of engineering.

You can use the following expressions and sentences in your speech.

  1. During the century, advancements were made in the fields of ………

  2. These inventions ultimately changed all of science.

  3. This century characterized the very beginning of the modern era of science because …….

  4. It is the a time of great exploration of ………

  5. Inventions related to the fields of engineering such as ……………….. were prominent.

  6. You could see the widespread replacement of manual labor by new inventions in this century.

  7. The effects of the century enlightenment led to …………….

  8. The historical period characterized by a move towards science and rational thought.

  9. Technology, science, and inventions have progressed at ……………….


Task 16. Imagine that you are taking part in “Writers’ Forum Short Story Competition” where you are offered to write a short composition on the topic “My future profession” (60-80 words).

You can use the following expressions and sentences in your speech.

  1. I am now beginning my path into professional engineering….

  2. Choosing a future job is a very important step in your life …..

  3. There are a lot of employment opportunities in my field ….

  4. I was always good in or I have grown an interest in ……

  5. For my future profession I need to be …..

  6. I consider that this profession suits me the most because …….

  7. Since then I knew that I would become a specialist in……

  8. Nowadays there is a great variety of professions such as a……

  9. As for me I have made up my mind to become a …..

  10. The profession of an engineer gives me plenty of opportunities to …….

  11. Besides it gives me a unique chance to communicate with ……

  12. I feel as if I have been an engineer for my whole life.

  13. In my opinion ……