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Present Simple Tense There is / are

Task 11. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Present Simple tense:

  1. The University ____ (to be situated) not far from the centre of the city.

  2. 70% of the NTUU “KPI” teachers ____ (to have) scientific degrees.

  3. The University ____ (to carry out) the student’s exchange program according to the agreements on collaboration.

  4. Every student ____ (to go) in for different kinds of sport according to their liking.

  5. NTUU "KPI" education ____ (to meet) the standards of the world-known universities.

  6. The Knowledge Square ____ (to have) about 105x100m.

  7. Meetings, festivals, consecration into students ____ (to take) place here.

Task 12. Fill in all the gaps in the sentences below with the appropriate form of there is or there are.

        1. ____ a professor next to the board explaining the laws of physics.

        2. ____ a lot of ceremonies take place at University.

        3. ____ a lot of prominent people who teach at University.

        4. ____ 9 rooms in the State Polytechnic museum.

        5. ____ a Knowledge Square where the consecration into students take place every year.

        6. ____ a Bachelor Program at our University.

        7. ____ tons of extra activities one can be engaged in.


Task 13. Translate the following sentences from English into Ukrainian:

  1. Durham University is home to international students from more than 150 countries.

  2. Oldest Victorian university (established 1855) offering a vast range of coursework and research programs.

  3. Brown University, founded in 1764, is a member of the Ivy League and recognized for the quality of its teaching, research, and unique curriculum.

  4. Purdue University is a major research institution known for discoveries in science.

  5. A brief history of the university includes a list of its faculties and departments, and information on how to apply.

  6. Our academics are global experts whose work tackles some of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. 

  7. You will be an active part of a leading academic community where independent thought and enquiry are not encouraged but expected. 

Task 14. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English:

  1. Сьогодні Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка - це класичний приклад університету дослідницького типу, провідний сучасний науково-навчальний центр України.

  2. Підготовка та перепідготовка фахівців у КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка здійснюється за 47 напрямами та 84 спеціальностями. 

  3. Національним Технічним Університетом України «КПІ» встановлено тісні міжнародні зв'язки з провідними навчальними та науково-дослідними установами з усього світу. 

  4. Науковийта технічний рівень,якість викладання в університетіЦюріха заслужили міжнародне визнання.

  5. Бухарестськийполітехнічний університет є найстарішим провідним політехнічним вузом Румунії.

  6. Навчальнийрік в університетіБордо (Франція) розбитий на два семестри: жовтень-лютий, лютий-червень.

  7. Науковілабораторії та лекційні залиБернського університетуідонині розташовані в стародавньому монастирі "Herrengasse".


Task 15. Work in pairs. Imagine that your partner is from Great Britain. Discuss with him (her) higher education and students' life in Great Britain and Ukraine. Don't fail to ask each other about different types of universities in these countries, find out the entrance requirements. You may use the following word-combinations preparing for your discussion:

Word-combinations: higher education, highly-qualified specialists, future development, standards of living, kinds of education, serious need, to find ways and means, contemporary needs, the quality of learning materials, to bring up to date, through mass media, to take into consideration, to affect every field, natural and applied sciences, new approaches, students’ training and instruction, distance education system, to continue one’s education, to get knowledge, a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, to receive state grants, students’ hostel, way to success.


Task 16. Imagine that you are a student of the NTUU “KPI” and you want to take part in the students’ web conference devoted to the educational institutions in Western and Eastern Europe where you should represent the Polytechnic Institute to other students and persuade them that the NTUU “KPI” is one of the best universities in Ukraine. Read the text again and write the outlines of your speech (60-80 words).

You can use the phrases below to make up your speech:

  1. The University may be best known for its math, science, …….. and engineering education.

  2. The University guarantees students housing for all six years on campus.

  3. The University offers a rich, ……………campus life.

  4. The University focuses on ...……

  5. The University also offers different science programs such as ……….

  6. Undergraduates can study in ………departments.

  7. The University is actively involved in research projects such as ……….

  8. Student organizations at the KPI is the nation’s oldest and largest collegiate club of its kind, which offers ………………………..

  9. Students of the KPI have many opportunities to get involved in research, ………………. projects.