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Task 12. Put the questions to the highlighted words. Pay attention on the tense of the main verb:

  1. Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country.

  2. Further north is Newcastle situated on the North Sea coast.

  3. The lowlands support some farming such as wheat, potatoes and vegetables.

  4. The largest coal and iron fields in Britain are located in the Midlands.

  5. A short railway journey to the north-east will take you from Manchester to Bradford.

  6. London has some heavy engineering plants and several leading research establishments.

  7. Its best farmland lies in the south-eastern plains.

Task 13. Choose the proper item:

1. Primary energy production ____ for 10% of GDP this year.

a) accounts

b) accounted

c) has accounted

d) is accounting

2. It ____ some heavy engineering plants and several leading research establishments.

a) is having

b) had

c) has have

d) has

3. The lowlands ____ some farming such as wheat, potatoes and vegetables last year.

a) supported

b) support

c) is supporting

d) have supported

4. The south-eastern coast ____ always well-known for its picturesque scenery and mild climate since the ancient times.

a) is

b) has been

c) was

d) had been

5. This enterprise ____ transport equipment now.

a) are producing

b) produces

c) produce

d) is producing

6. Its best farmland ____ in the south-eastern plains.

a) are lying

b) lies

c) lie

d) lied

7. In Birmingham, the centre of this area, and in the manufacturing towns nearby, various goods ____ produced.

a) to be

b) is

c) are being

d) are


Task 14. Translate the following sentences from English into Ukrainian:

  1. The Southeast has mainly light industries and is also home to the largest oil refinery at Fawley, near Southhampton.

  2. There are also heavy industries and many power stations along the banks of the river Trent in the East Midlands.

  3. There are manufacturing and engineering industries in parts of Durham and Tyne and Wear.

  4. In the heart of the West Midlands lies the city of Birmingham, a major centre of industry and the arts.

  5. Trade (buying and selling) has been an important part of life in Birmingham for 800 years.

  6. Its prosperity has been dependent upon the export of manufactured goods in exchange for raw materials and foodstuffs.

  7. The main industrial and commercial areas are the great conurbations, where about one third of the country's population lives.

Task 15. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English:

  1. Основними центрами приладобудівної галузі Великобританії є Лондон, Бірмінгем, так як ця галузь спрямована на споживача та наближена до наукової бази.

  2. У промисловості Великобританії довгий час домінувало текстильне виробництво, яке на сьогоднішній день втратило своє ключове значення для економіки.

  3. Промисловість Великобританії є провідною галуззю господарства і дає 1/4 валового національного продукту, у ній зайнято близько 1/6 населення країни.

  4. Головною галуззю гірничої промисловості є добування кам’яного вугілля (100 млн.тон), яке протягом століть забезпечувало господарство Великобританії паливом.

  5. Великобританія повністю забезпечує себе електроенергією, 86 % якої виробляється тепловими електростанціями, 12 % – атомними електростанціями та 2 % – гідроелектростанціями.

  6. Машинобудування є провідною галуззю промисловості і представлене практично повсюдно, але окремі регіони зберігають власну спеціалізацію.

  7. Традиційно високорозвиненою залишається хімічна промисловість, яка випускає продукти нафтопереробки, масла для двигунів, синтетичні волокна і матеріали, та інші види хімічної продукції.


Task 16. Imagine that you live in the United Kingdom and you want to explain to your friends from Ukraine why Great Britain is called highly-industrialized country. You may use some information from the text at the page 54 as your arguments.

These phrases may help you in preparation of your speech.

  1. Britain’s major industries include………

  2. Vast deposits of ……… were discovered in ………

  3. British agriculture produces main grain crops.

  4. Britain is a big market for many products such as ………

  5. It has a great concentration of ………

  6. It plays a significant role in the industry.

  7. Britain has made important advances in ………

  8. The basis of British industry is ………


Task 17. Imagine that you are passing exam in economy at the institute and the question of your exam card is “Explain the differences between industries of Ukraine and Great Britain”. Read the text once more and make the outline of your answer (60 – 80 words).

Preparing your answer you may answer the following questions:

    1. What kind of countries are Ukraine and Great Britain?

    2. What is the population of these countries?

    3. What are the natural recourses of these countries?

    4. Do the countries satisfy their needs in mineral resources?

    5. What is the industrial sector dominated by in these countries?

    6. What are the major manufacturing industries of these countries?

    7. What do most of GNP of these countries come from?

    8. What do these countries export and import?