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Past Simple/Past Continuous tense

Task 11. Put the verbs from the list below in the appropriate tense form and fill in the gaps in the sentences:

to obtain, to operate, to satisfy, to amount, to find, to come from, to work

  1. Thirty engineers ____ on the construction of this electro station from 1980-1986.

  2. 136 workers ____ in mine at the time of explosion.

  3. Total electricity production during this year ____ to 173 billion kWh.

  4. They ____ gas by chance in a water well near Hamburg in 1910.

  5. They ____ their energy and raw materials from their surroundings.

  6. In 2009 43% of the gross national product of Chine____ from industrial sector.

  7. Poland ____89% of its nuclear fuel needs in 2010.

Task 12. Most of the following sentences contain one mistake. Correct each one. Use Past Simple and Continuous. Put “r” if correct.

  1. Its fertile black soil did generated more than one-fourth of Soviet agricultural output.

  2. For the last years Ukraine moving to market economy.

  3. Ukraine mineral resources played an important role in supporting Ukraine industrial development.

  4. The most popular passenger car brand VAZ continue to dominate the market.

  5. From 1998 to 2005 this country exported gas from Turkmenistan.

  6. The economy of Ukraine started growing in 2000.

  7. This stock enterprise were producing cars, trucks and buses in 1980s.


Task 13. Translate the following sentences from English into Ukrainian:

  1. Due to favourable climatic conditions, Ukraine is traditionally an agricultural country.

  2. It has developed a varied industry, concentrated mostly in and around big cities, such as Kyiv, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Kharkiv, Lviv, Mykolaiv and others.

  3. Ukraine produces planes and ships, lorries and buses, electronic equipment and agricultural machines, TV and radio-sets and other goods.

  4. Ukraine fully satisfies its needs in minerals but it still has to import some of them.

  5. In the current structure of Ukraine's industry a great proposition is occupied by heavy industry, especially, the iron, and steel, machine-building and coal industries.

  6. Ukraine is one of the world's most productive farming regions and is known as "Europe's granary".

  7. Traditionally crop-growing and cattle-breeding are being developed.

Task 14. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English:

  1. Від рівня розвитку індустрії залежить технічний рівень виробництва, структура господарства та його територіальна організація.

  2. Промисловість — найбільша галузь господарства, яка виготовляє знаряддя праці та предмети споживання.

  3. Провідне місце в промисловому виробництві України належить металургійній галузі.

  4. Вже сьогодні багато промислових виробів (судна, літаки, ракети тощо) користуються попитом за кордоном.

  5. Харчова і легка промисловість використовують продукцію сільськогосподарського виробництва, забезпечуючи населення продуктами харчування та товарами народного споживання.

  6. В Україні сформувалися чотири багатогалузеві промислові райони: Донецький, Придніпровський, Прикарпатський і Прибузький.

  7. Добувна промисловість складається з галузей, які займаються видобутком мінеральних ресурсів.


Task 15. Work in pairs. Imagine that one of you is the Minister of industry of Ukraine and the other is the interviewer. Think about the preliminary questions you want to ask the Minister concerning advantages and disadvantages of the economy and industry of our country. Be ready to present your interview before your groupmates.

Words and phrases:to diversify and grow the industry, to achieve sustainable industrial development, main actions for the Ministry, assessment of the ukrainian industrial sector, investment opportunities in industrial development, the future hold for, priorities for domestic reform, to be focused on moving to.


Task 16. Imagine that you are a young scientist and you have to speak at the annual scientific conference. The topic of your report is “How can we improve the industry of Ukraine as future engineers”. Write a short summary of your report to be ready for presenting it at the conference (60-80 words).

You can use the following phrases to prepare your summary.

  1. Engineers make a great contribution in ………

  2. Many experts believe that science and engineers ………

  3. Implementation of new inventions into the process of production …

  4. To apply engineering and technology to global issues such as………

  5. The technology has the potential to transform the world into ………

  6. Much of the technology will make available to ………

  7. We are passing through times of rapid technological advancement ...

  8. Engineers need to meet society’s needs ………