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Future Simple Tense, to be going to

Task 12. Open the brackets into the correct tense form, where it is necessary use the structure to be going to:

  1. Future technologies ________ (to allow) our generation to live longer due to advances in medicine.

  2. Future weapons ________ (to be) smarter and more accurate.

  3. Our children ________ (to leverage) of future energy, smart homes and cars.

  4. A lot of people think about what the new generation of gadgets ________ (to bring).

  5. There are a number of factors that certainly ________ (to feature) new gadgets for men.

  6. Designs of new gadgets ________ (to combine) complex technology and simple use.

  7. Future technologies and applications in one gadget ________ (to reduce) the need to carry a number of items.

  8. Obviously, in the future fast technology ________ (to change) our perspective on the we live our lives.

Task 13. Put the verbs from the list below in the appropriate tense form and fill in the gaps:

award, carry out, latch, upgrade, produce, use

  1. The lighting exploits advances in lighting technology______mercury discharge lamps which are energy saving and safe.

  2. Advances in technologies which have changed the ways in which aerial survey in all countries ______.

  3. Advances in modern biology ______ various methods of investigation of biological micro-organisms.

  4. BBC funding boost for solar power more than a million pounds ______ to a range of solar energy projects across the UK.

  5. Processor ______ similar to that of software.

  6. An ultra bright blue led ______for 20 seconds, clearly indicating a run.


Task 14. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English:

        1. Сучасні електронні гаджети для кухні дозволяють не тільки дивитися різні телепередачі за допомогою Інтернету, але і користуватися комп’ютером в якості кулінарної книги.

        2. Тайванська компанія Polytron презентувала перший повністю прозорий смартфон, однак не уточнила його виробничих перспектив.

        3. Науковці придумали новий сенсорний дисплей, під пальцями на екрані з’являються прозорі кнопки, цю технологію називають тактильний інтерфейс.

        4. Використання мобільних телефонів і планшетних комп'ютерів менш ніж за дві години до нічного відпочинку може викликати проблеми зі сном.

        5. В останні роки в школах з'явилися нові гаджети, які дуже допомагають у засвоєнні учнями різних навчальних предметів.

        6. Вчені з'ясували, що зростання кількості проблем з мовою у більшості дітей пов'язане з їх захопленням всілякими гаджетами.

        7. Сучасна техніка не стоїть на місці - з розвитком технологій, ми ще побачимо багато цікавих гаджетів у наступних роках.

Task 15. Translate the following sentences from English into Ukrainian:

        1. A top-notch digital camera that's as easy to use as your smartphone is taking and sharing high-quality photos and videos.

        2. With the Livescribe Echo Smartpen you can save and share interactive notes to your computer, iPad or iPhone via a micro-USB connector that also allows you to recharge your pen. 

        3. Last year Acer hinted that they would be launching a smartphone that will be powered by Intel’s processors.

        4. Combining the capabilities of many top-selling iPhone accessories into a single device, the iFusion utilizes built-in Bluetooth technology, a full duplex speaker phone and a patented ergonomic design.

        5. The new headset is designed for people who are on the road a lot including professional drivers looking for a comfortable headset for their smartphone.

        6. If you enjoy using a stylus to take notes and make sketches on your iPad, you might be interested to learn that today Evernote has announced the launch of their new Penultimate 4 for iPad.

        7. The Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750 connects automatically via a 2.4GHz wireless unifying receiver, and the solar battery will stay charged for up to 3 months, even in total darkness.


Task 16. Imagine that you are a scientist and take part in the annual scientific conference and you have to prepare a report about the need of using new gadgets. Think about the main aspects of your paper and make a plan in order to do successful presentation.

Words and phrases: modern, contemporary, new, exciting, wonderful, nice, interesting, cool, smart, gadget, technology, advance, progress, advantage, easy, to improve, to emerge, to offer etc.


    1. What are the most common gadgets in daily life?

    2. Name the most advantages and negatives of few gadgets.

    3. Name the main principles of work and importance of its use.


Task 17. Imagine that you have to pass the exam on your speciality and during it you are allowed to use only one of the next gadgets – laptop, tablet PC, smartphone. Which electronic gadget, do you think, would be the most useful in such situation? Explain your reasons (60 – 80 words).

Words and phrases: laptop, tablet, smartphone, gamepad, notebook, useful, adaptable, eco-friendly, small, interesting, etc.


  1. What are your favorite gadgets?

  2. Name the most advantages and negatives of that gadget.

  3. Name the main principles of work and importance of its use.