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After reading activity

Task 5. Answer the following questions:

  1. What kinds of engineering do you know?

  2. What knowledge and skills should you have to be an engineer?

  3. Who were the first civil engineers? What did they build?

  4. What do civil engineers study today?

  5. What is the main object of mechanical engineering?

  6. What will you learn as an electrical engineering major?

  7. What are the main tasks of electronic technicians?

  8. What do you know about computer engineering?

  9. What do computer engineers study?

  10. What kind of engineering would you prefer?

Task 6. Decide which of the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

  1. The civil engineers are those individuals who blend knowledge and practical experiences in creating new constructions and buildings.

  2. If you study civil engineering, you`ll learn how to design your own electric-powered projects.

  3. Electric engineers use the principles of energy, materials, and mechanics to design and manufacture machines and devices of all types.

  4. Engineers in mechanical engineering work on power-producing machines such as electric generators, internal combustion engines, and steam and gas turbines.

  5. Electrical engineering is a discipline that integrates several fields of electrical engineering and computer science required to develop computer hardware and software.

  6. Many industries today, from manufacturing to telecommunications, depend on computer hardware and software.

  7. Electronics engineering is a broad specialization of engineering involving the design, construction, manufacture, installation and management of systems based on modern electronics technology.

  8. As an electronics technician you’ll learn about the properties of materials that can withstand the heat of the sun and the cold of outer space.






















Task 7. Write down the antonyms to the following words from the text. Mind the translation and the first given letters:

  1. Puzzle – s ____ (вирішувати)

  2. Inconvenience – c ____ (зручність)

  3. Calmness – e ____ (хвилювання)

  4. Submit – w ____ (протистояти)

  5. Darken – l ____ (освітлювати)

  6. Destroy – g ____ (породжувати)

  7. Break – r ____ (ремонтувати)

  8. Harm – h ____ (допомагати)

  9. Irresponsibleness – r ____ (відповідальність)

  10. Devaluate – a ____ (цінувати)

Task 8. Match the first part of the sentences ( 1-7) with the second one (A-G) and translate them.

  1. They build skyscrapers that

  2. They study the physics that

  3. You could specialize in cars and trucks

  4. They learn about the properties of materials that

  5. Computer engineering students want to know

  6. If you study civil engineering, you`ll learn what

  7. Machines may not have taken over the world as imagined in some science fiction

    1. ____ can withstand the heat of the sun and the cold of outer space.

    2. ____ installing and repairing sound and alarm systems.

    3. ____ reach thousands of feet in the air.

    4. ____ you need to know to work on the projects that make modern life possible.

    5. ____ but they are certainly a big part of life today.

    6. ____ how computers work and what they can do to make them smaller, faster, and more efficient.

    7. ____ make roller coasters loop and planes fly.

Task 9. Match the English phrases from the column A with their Ukrainian equivalents from the column B:



  1. assembly line

  2. suspension bridge

  3. science fiction

  4. roller coaster

  5. cruise control

  6. to take for granted

  7. light bulb

  8. alarm system

  9. sound barrier

  10. engineering know-how

  1. електролампочка

  2. приймати на віру

  3. система сигналізації

  4. інженерне ноу-хау

  5. лінія збірки

  6. прилад, що автоматично підтримує швидкість руху

  7. звуковий бар’єр

  8. підвісний міст

  9. американські гірки

  10. наукова фантастика

Task 10. Read how different engineers describe what they do at their work and try to guess what kind of engineer he (she) is.

1. “I create extraordinary machines, from airplanes that weigh over a half a million pounds to spacecraft that travel over 17,000 miles an hour.”

2. “As an engineer I work with power-producing machines, such as electric generators and internal combustion engines, as well as power-using machines like material-handling systems, industrial production equipment, and machine tools.”

3. “I work on projects that concern the lighting and wiring in buildings, as well as the design of electrical systems such as communication systems, radar and navigation systems, and the electrical systems of automobiles and aircrafts.”

4. “In my job I use the scientific knowledge of the behavior and effects of electrons to develop components, devices, systems, or equipment (as in electron tubes, transistors, integrated circuits etc.) that uses electricity as part of its driving force.”

5. “My job involves many aspects of computer design, the creation of individual components for computer equipment, networking design, and integrating software options with the hardware.”

6.I design things. These might be roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, or water supply and sewage systems. I must consider many factors in my designs, from the costs to making sure the structure will stay intact during bad weather. This is one of the oldest types of engineering.”

Task 11. Match the verb from the column A with an appropriate word combination from the column B and translate them into Ukrainian. More than one variant is possible:



  1. to build

  2. to hang

  3. to bring

  4. to generate

  5. to install

  6. to depend on

  7. to create

a) electrical equipment

b) own machines

c) electricity

d) skyscrapers

e) sound and alarm systems

f) convenience and excitement

g) suspension bridges