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Present Simple Tense / Present Continuous Tense

Task 12. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the appropriate tense form:

  1. Their work ____ (to include) hanging suspension bridges.

  2. At this lecture we ____ (to learn) about the properties of materials that can withstand the heat of the sun and the cold of outer space.

  3. You ____ (to repair) missile control systems for the government these days?

  4. Now this company ____ (to create) water systems that support millions of city dwellers.

  5. These engineers ____ (to discover) the secrets behind control systems such as the cruise control in the family car.

  6. He ____ (to build) skyscrapers in Asia now?

  7. Every student ____ (choose) the type of engineering according to his personal interests and hobbies. 

Task 13. Read the sentences and choose the letter a) or b) to make a correct sentence.

  1. Typical applications ( a) include / b) is including) designing cars, engines, turbines, and using computer aided design (CAD) tools.

  2. Female civil engineers are also easily ( a) getting / b) get) jobs today.

  3. This branch of engineering ( a) is requiring / b) requires) a lot of knowledge in computer programming. 

  4. They ( a) lay out) / b)are laying out a Town highway in Weathersfield at present.

  5. This field ( a) is taking) / b) takes the principles of the other branches of engineering and applies them to the medical industry

  6. The people who ( a) find / b) is finding) themselves in this field are typically mostly interested in working with aircraft.

  7. We ( a) are designing / b) design) a new software to create professional looking web sites these days.


Task 14. Translate the following sentences from English into Ukrainian:

  1. Engineering is such a wide field that it is difficult to complete classification of its many branches. 

  2. Mechanical engineering deals with the design, production, care, and applications of machines and with the power needed to make the machines operate.

  3. Mechanical engineers deal with the mechanism and movement of any non-living thing. 

  4. An electrical engineer might help in the design and manufacture of electric generators or other power plant equipment. 

  5. Of all the other types of engineering, the job of civil engineering is the most practical and useful for the civilians of a country, 

  6. Computer engineering is yet another very popular field of engineering amongst the young students.

  7. Computer engineers’ function is to deal with the functioning, processing and designing of different parts of computer.

Task 15. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English:

  1. Інженериз комп’ютерних систем працюють над дослідженнями для робототехніки, пов'язаними з роботою двигунів, систем зв'язку і датчиків.

  2. Виникнення професії інженер– електрик пов'язане з появою електрики.

  3. Широке використання електричної енергії у всіх сферах людської діяльності вимагає висококваліфікованих фахівців – інженерів-електриків різних спеціальностей.

  4. Інженер-містобудівник складає схеми розташування в будівлі необхідних систем таких як водопостачання, каналізація, електрика тощо.

  5. Інженери працюють на промислових підприємствах, в лабораторіях, на будівництві, в сільському господарстві, науково-дослідних центрах, в проектних організаціях, де виконують широкий спектр робіт.

  6. Цивільна інженерія спеціалізується на плануванні, дизайні, будівництві та роботі таких головних структур, як дороги, залізниці, тунелі, аеропорти, порти, та багато інших.

  7. Механічна інженерія є видом інженерії, яка має справу з дизайном і виробництвом машинного обладнання та його складових частин.


Task 16. Work in pairs. Imagine that you and your partner are engineers representing different fields of engineering (mechanical, electrical, electronic, civil, computer engineering). Share your opinions about special features of your profession.

You can use the phrases below in your speech.

  1. This branch of engineering focuses on the ………

  2. This field involves the ………

  3. It concerns the ………

  4. It deals with ………

  5. It is commonly intended to ………

  6. This field of engineering is applied to ………

  7. This branch of engineering works to ………

  8. It is the practical application of ………


Task 17. Imagine that you are a professor and you have to give a lecture to represent different kinds of engineering for the first year students. Read the text at the page 31 once more and make some outlines of your lecture (60-80 words).

Words and phrases: to acquire knowledge in, ensure the availability, to be responsible for, to look for solutions to problems, to develop processes, to conduct research into, to explore


  1. What is every field of engineering concerned with?

  2. What do the engineers of each kind of engineering use in their work?

  3. What are the engineers of different kinds of engineering involved in?

  4. What do they help to do?

  5. Why is their work so important?