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Present Perfect Tense, Past Perfect Tense

Task 12. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the appropriate tense form. Match the first part of the sentence (1-6) with the second one


        1. Science _____ (to bring)

          1. all gadgets for listening music.

  1. Science _____ (to give)

    1. ears to the deaf

  1. Science _____ (to conquer)

    1. time and distance

  1. Railway and airplanes _____ (to make)

    1. journeys, swift safe and comfortable

  1. Science _____ (to invent)

    1. ways to peep inside the human body

  1. Science _____ (to relieve)

    1. mankind from suffering, ignorance

Task 12. Connect the first part of the sentence from the column A with the second one from column B, using the appropriate past tense form:

Column A

Column B

  1. The scientists / invent / first X-rays machine

  2. The doctor / detect / patients desease

  3. Thomas Savery / develop / first steam engine in 1698

  4. Thomas / design / water frame

  5. George Stevenson / develop / idea about engines to pull wagons

  1. it / become / possible to peep inside the human body.

  2. he / prescribe / the right treatment.

  3. Thomas Newcomen / improve / this idea in 1712.

  4. Richard Arkwright / patent / this machine / in 1769.

  5. he / build / a locomotive / in 1814.

Task 13. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form of the Past Perfect Tense:

  1. James Hargreaves _____ (to produce) spinning jenny before the team of Richard Arkuright invented spinning frame.

  2. We _____ (not to use) mobile phones before 1973.

  3. By 1804 George Stephenson _____ (to build) a small locomotive.

  4. By the time George Stephenson died in 1848 its new railways and factories _____ (to make) Britain the richest country in the world.

  5. By 1896 Wilhelm Rontgen _____ (to discover) X-rays.

  6. By the end of 1930s five studious _____ (to dominate) the movie industry.


Task 14. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English:

  1. Наприкінці XIX ст. відбувся справжній переворот у науковому мисленні.

  2. Усе, що оточує нас — речі, техніка, предмети повсякденного вжитку, — є результатом наукових винаходів, сумлінної праці й натхнення багатьох людей.

  3. Культурне життя було б неможливим без знань та наукового поступу.

  4. Наукові відкриття та винаходи роблять людину ерудованою, розширюють її світогляд, змушують по-новому подивитися не тільки на певну проблему, а і на світ в цілому.

  5. Я займаюся наукою з першого курсу і можу запевнити, що наукове життя нашого факультету щороку набирає обертів.

  6. Ю. І. Якименко зробив вагомий внесок у розвиток вітчизняної електроніки та інформатики, підготовку висококваліфікованих фахівців для цієї галузі.

  7. Специфічною формою інтеграції науки й техніки стало відкриття кінематографа, який винайшли і запатентували брати Люмґєр в 1895 р.

Task 15. Translate the following sentences from English into Ukrainian:

  1. Science is deeply and widely rooted in everything we do today, including common activities of our daily life.

  2. The house we live in is designed and constructed using scientific knowledge of engineering.

  3. As regards our food, science has given us correct ideas of nutritive and calorie value of the food that we take.

  4. Our knowledge of science has helped up to manufacture dress materials more comfortable, more enduring and in the long run more economi­cal and adjusted to the prevailing environment.

  5. Also science has shown us how we can do a greater volume of work in shorter time and with less physical strain and sweat.

  6. Electric light and fan have made home-life more comfortable today.

  7. The microscope, the X-ray, the radium, ultra sonography—all these have come as real blessings to humanity.


Task 16. Imagine you are a scientist and you were invited to the technical university in order to deliver a lecture about new branches of science, for instance, microbiology or nanotechnology. Speak about the role of innovations in science and share your own ideas and opinions with the students.

Words and phrases: improvements, important, technology, to develop, welfare, health, to solve problem, to create, scientific discovery, to change, revolution, successful, etc.


  1. Why is science of the utmost important?

  2. How does scientific innovation work?

  3. The role of science and innovation in every sphere of daily life.


Task 17. Choose one of the following quotations and explain what it means. Write a short paragraph (60-80 words). Express your point of view.

“Science is facts; just as houses are made of stones, so is science made of facts; but a pile of stones is not a house and a collection of facts is not necessarily science.”

Henri Poincare (French mathematician & physicist)

“Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”

Martin Luther King Jr. (US black civil rights leader & clergyman)

“There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.”

Hippocrates (Greek physician)

Words and phrases: improvements, important, technology, to develop, welfare, health, to solve problem, to create, scientific discovery, to change, revolution, successful, etc.