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After reading activity

Task 5. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the main industries of Great Britain?

  2. Which of the most important industries are situated in London?

  3. Where is the center of coal and iron industries?

  4. What industry is the most developed in Manchester?

  5. What industry is situated in Sheffield?

  6. What is the commercial center of wool industry?

  7. How many percents of GDP is contributed by agriculture?

  8. Where is dairy the most popular? Why?

  9. What is the most attractive land in England?

Task 6. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following English word combinations:

manufacturing towns, highly mechanized, domestic metalware, wetter climate, hilly areas, picturesque scenery, arable crops, popular resorts, efficient agriculture, well-cultivated fields, fertile valley, south-eastern plains, off-shore oil industry, high quality steels, food needs.

Task 7. Put these words in the right order to make sentences:

  1. growth / The / encourages / climate / good / wetter / grass / the / of/.

  2. is / many / great / London / with / port / a / docks/.

  3. largest / fields / and / iron / in / Midlands / the / are / located / in / coal / The / Britain/.

  4. North-east / oil / and / is / now / the / off-shore / of / Scotland / gas / centre / industries/.

  5. of / England / the / southern / ports / there / are / large / among / many / them: / Southampton, / Portsmouth, / On / Plymouth / coast/.

Task 8. The definitions of the words are given. Try to guess these words:

  1. __________ — an airplane, helicopter, or other machine capable of flight (noun).

  2. __________ — a track or set of tracks made of steel rails along which passenger and freight trains run (noun).

  3. __________ — a long, hollow cylinder of metal, plastic, glass, etc., for holding or transporting something, chiefly liquids or gases (noun).

  4. __________ — a tough elastic polymeric substance made from the latex of a tropical plant or synthetically (noun).

  5. __________ — a substance that yields a dye or that can be used as a dye, esp. when in solution (noun).

  6. __________ — knives, forks, and spoons used for eating or serving food (noun).

  7. __________ — a grain used for food, such as wheat, oats, or corn (noun).

  8. __________ — domestic fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese (noun).

  9. __________ — a cereal plant that is the most important kind grown in temperate countries, the grain of which is ground to make flour for bread, pasta, pastry, etc. (noun).

  10. __________ — the business of producing, storing, and distributing milk and its products (noun).

Task 9. Match the first part of the sentence (1-7) with the second one (A – G):

  1. Main industries today are banking and finance, ____

  2. The largest coal and iron fields in Britain ____

  3. East of Manchester is the city of Sheffield, ____

  4. North-east Scotland is now ____

  5. Although Britain is a densely populated, industrialized country, agriculture ____

  6. The south of England is rural____

  7. On the southern coast of England there are ____

a) ____ well known for its manufacture of high quality steels, tools and cutlery.

b) ____ is still one of its most important industries.

c) ____ with many fertile valleys.

d) ____ are located in the Midlands.

e) ____ many large ports, among them: Southampton, Portsmouth, Plymouth.

f) ____ steel, transport equipment, oil and gas, and tourism.

g) ____ the centre of off-shore oil and gas industries.

Task 10. Match the English words and word combinations from the column A with their Ukrainian equivalents from the column B:



  1. electric power equipment

  1. валовий внутрішній продукт

  1. railroad equipment

  1. домашня птиця

  1. gross domestic product

  1. торгівельний центр

  1. pharmaceuticals

  1. пшениця

  1. a trading center

  1. родючий

  1. poultry

  1. залізничне устаткування

  1. off-shore

  1. молочне господарство

  1. wheat

  1. фармацевтичні продукти

  1. dairying

  1. обладнання енергопостачання

  1. fertile

  1. той, що знаходиться у відкритому морі

Task 11. Finish the following sentences using the information from the text:

    1. London has some heavy engineering plants and

    2. The largest coal and iron

    3. Further north is Manchester, one of the main centers for

    4. Glasgow is the largest city,

    5. North-east Scotland is now the centre

    6. Although Britain is a densely populated

    7. Great Britain has intensive, highly mechanized, and efficient agriculture infrastructure

    8. The lowlands support some

    9. The south-eastern coast is well-known