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Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Task 11. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form of the Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

        1. Scientists _____ (to work) on the idea of the wireless transmission of energy for more the 20 years.

        2. They _____ (to develop) this new technology for several years before they reached success.

        3. Nicola Tesla_____ (to test) the technique for moving electricity over long distances without wires for years before he presented to public this very impressive idea.

        4. The colleagues _____ (to try) to implement this idea for charging batteries by wireless power long before it became real.

        5. They_____ (to use) laser instead of resonant inductive coupling before they found the right solution.

        6. The technology and theory behind wireless charging _____ (to develop) for a long time.

        7. By the time he became famous N. Tesla _____ (to work) for the Continental Edison Company.

        8. He _____ (to conduct) X-ray experimenting in his lab for several hours.

Task 12. Choose the right verb tense – Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous:

  1. By 1964 a miniature helicopter propelled by microwave power _____ .

    1. had been demonstrated

    2. had been demonstrating

  1. By the 17th century, inventors _____ many electricity-related discoveries, such as the invention of an early electrostatic generator.

  1. had made

  2. had been making

  1. Egyptians had discovered gold plate, made by bashing it with a stick until it becomes really thin, whereupon it can be inlaid as the Indians ____ thousands of years before them.

a) had been doing

b) had done

4. The relationship between lightning and electricity ____ , he went on to invent the lightning rod, a metal pole that safely conducts electricity away from a building during a thunderstorm.

a) had been confirmed

b) had been confirming

5. Before Tesla had formed his own company, he _____ for several years for Edison.

a) had worked

b) had been working


Task 13. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English:

        1. Американська компанія PowerBeam розробила і сконструювала дослідний зразок нової системи безпровідної передачі електроенергії.

        2. Приклади бездротових технологій включають бездротові комп'ютерні миші та клавіатури, супутникове телебачення і мобільні і радіо телефони.

        3. Останніми роками напрям безпровідних комп'ютерних мереж та віддаленого доступу зазнав бурхливого розвитку.

        4. Додавання технології Wi - Fi в мобільну платформу Centrino в 2003 р. привело до стрімкого розвитку ринку безпровідних точок доступу в Інтернет.

        5. Безпровідна технологія Bluetooth і безпровідні локальні мережі, засновані на стандарті 802.1 lb, працюють в одному і тому ж діапазоні радіочастот 2.4 ГГц.

        6. У 1901 році італійський фізик Гульельмо Марконі продемонстрував телеграфний зв'язок між кораблем і берегом за допомогою азбуки Морзе.

        7. Технологія бездротової зарядки дозволить частково вирішує проблему великого енергоспоживання смартфонів.

Task 14. Translate the following sentences from English into Ukrainian:

              1. WiTricity, a company spun off from research at the MIT, aims to redefine how people use energy, making it possible to power devices without ever plugging them into an outlet.

              2. Wireless power transmission is based on commonly used radio waves.

              3. Powercast’s technology provides true wireless power for continuous charging and power-over-distance for one or more devices.

              4. Flat screen TV’s and digital picture frames that hang on the wall—without requiring a wire and plug for power.

              5. WiTricity Corp. is working to make this future a reality, developing wireless electricity technology that will operate safely and efficiently over distances.

              6. The technology and theory behind wireless charging have been around for a long time – the idea was initially suggested by Nikola Tesla.

              7. Wireless charging is already available for low-power applications (up to 5 Watts), suitable for mobile phones and other devices.


Task 15. Imagine that you with your partner are scientists and you have to solve an issue on improving the quality of the signal which is being transmitted. Discuss how to improve the signal’s quality, speak about the most and less efficient ways of your solutions, give your significant reasons.

Words and phrases: transmission, signal, to measure, to install, to reflect, to redirect, router, to disturb, to increase, antenna, to strengthen, to extend, signal range, etc.


  1. What actions will you do to make improvements?

  2. Some measures to improve the signal.

  3. Change the transmission frequency.


Task 16. Imagine that you have to speak about new wireless devices at the annual international conference. Choose one of the next wireless devices a mobile broadband dongle, wireless router. Write a short plan of your report in order to be ready for presenting it at the conference (60 – 80 words).

Words and phrases: transmission, signal, to measure, to install, to reflect, to redirect, router, to disturb, to increase, antenna, to strengthen, to extend, signal range, etc.


              1. Which of the wireless devices would you choose?

              2. Write about properties of this device.

              3. In what way can this wireless device be helpful?