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After reading activity

Task 5. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the subject of the text?

  2. When did the use of engineering begin?

  3. Who was called an engineer in old days?

  4. What inventions people have made since then do you know?

  5. What is the origin of the word “engineering”?

  6. What knowledge and practical skills must engineers have today?

  7. Why is engineering considered to be a broad discipline?

  8. Why do engineers become multi-disciplined?

  9. What are the main engineering job categories? Please, name some other types of engineering according to technology advance.

  10. How do engineers find decisions how to solve the problem?

Task 6. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

precise, construction of fortification, non-military projects, myriad of disciplines, origin of the word, mental power, quality, analyzing, to involve, forefront, a property, environmental conditions, behavior, an aerospace engineering, great overlap, to evaluate.

Task 7. Choose the appropriate synonym for each word in bold:

        1. The former involved the construction of fortifications and military engines, the latter concerned non-military projects, for example bridge building.

  1. instance

  2. machine

  3. building

  4. operation

2. The exact origin of the word 'engineering' comes from the era when humans applied themselves to skilful inventions.

  1. root

  2. accurate

  3. expert

  4. discovery

3. Engineers may begin their career being trained in a specific discipline.

  1. program

  2. success

  3. training

  4. area

4. Since the human race has been swiftly advancing with regards to technology, new branches of engineering are being developed.

  1. fields

  2. slits

  3. scratches

  4. channels

5. Engineering jobs usually entail applying physics and mathematics to problems in order to discover viable solutions or to make improvements.

  1. request

  2. advancements

  3. appeal

  4. application

Task 8. Choose one of the following words from the table to fill the gaps in each sentence. Use each word only once.

acquire differently quality trained evaluate condition forecasting advances dedicated improved

  1. Final year serves as a kind of 'pre-specialization' year in which the students are specifically __________ in the specialty they wish to pursue after medical school.

  2. We offer new products which are designed and produced __________.

  3. You can check out books to take home for reading and you can __________ knowledge on nearly any topic that interests you.

  4. __________ in modern biology have produced various methods of investigation of biological micro-organisms.

  5. “We’ve really __________ a lot of things sooner than we did last year.”

  6. A pre-existing __________ does not mean that you would automatically be excluded from participating.

  7. The laboratory is an experimental space __________ to research and development (R&D).

  8. All had potentially different ideas about how best to __________ a project.

  9. A major task for business owners is __________ business trends for their company.

  10. New digital kitchen radio offers the most advanced sound __________ .

Task 9. Try to explain the meaning of the following verbs in English:

to invent, to be fascinated, to identify, to be dedicated, to design, to divide, to advance

Task 10. Complete the definitions with the engineering terms. Mind the first given letter of the terms.

  1. (t) __________ a measure of heat energy in an object, body or environment It can be measured using Fahrenheit, Celsius or Kelvin scales.

  2. (e) __________ a tiny particle with a negative charge which orbits an atom's nucleus.

  3. (e.c.) __________ movement of electricity, measured in charges per second.

  4. (s) __________ a measurement of distance traveled over time (example: 100 kilometers per hour).

  5. (v) __________ an object's speed and direction of motion.