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III. Find opposite words:

  1. to fall, to appear, to heat, to evaporate, moist, cold, to give, far, always, easy, heat, to decrease, to produce, to die, useful, inefficient, salt.

  2. To disappear, to rise, to cool, efficient, harmful, to live, never, difficult, to condense, to take, hot, dry, fresh, near, cold, to increase, to consume.

IV. Find odd words:

  1. heat, light, motion, surface ; 2. a plant, a crop, an animal, a hat, a man; 3.soil, water, land, ground, Earth ; 4. autumn, summer, sunlight, winter, spring ;5. quickly, directly, fast, slowly, rapidly; 6. an ocean, a lake , an inch, a river, a sea; 7. to plow, to sow, to plant, to harm, to cultivate, to harvest.

V. Read and translate the text given below :

Mice Under Water”

Words To Help You Understand the Passage

temperature Temperature is how cold or how hot something is. It is usually

measured by a thermometer.

carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide is a gas that is passed out of the lungs during


fluid-filled Fluid is another word for liquid. Fluid- filled means something is

filled with a liquid.

Mice can live for many hours under water. A team of scientists has found that rodents can breath under water if two conditions are met. The water must contain salts and it must have more oxygen than is usually found in water.

The scientists were led to their experiments by a study of how animals and people drown. Mice were put under water and were watched until their breathing stopped. When the tank was filled with ordinary sea water or tap water, the mice died quickly. When it was filled with a salt solution in which the salt solution in which the salt was equal to that in the mouse’s body and when oxygen was bubbled into it, the mice lived for as long as four hours. When the temperature was held at 20º C. and a chemical was added to improve carbon dioxide exchange, the mice lived to a maximum of nearly 18 hours.

The water- breathing rodents may provide a means of studying breathing problems in newborn infants who live in a fluid- filled womb up to the moment of birth.

It is far to conclude from the experiment described in this passage that

  1. mice like water that is high in oxygen and salt.

  2. if certain conditions are met, mice can breathe under water.

  3. people would not drown if water had more oxygen and salt in it.

  4. mice are like newborn infants.

What is the purpose of this passage ?

  1. to describe how babies stay alive until they are born

  2. to describe how people drown

  3. to describe an experiment about the length of time mice can live under water

  4. to describe breathing problems in newborn infants

Which of the following is NOT a condition that helps mice live under water for 18 hours ?

The tank is filled with sea water

The tank is filled with a salt solution in which the salt is equal to that in the mouse’s body

Oxygen is pumped into the water.

The temperature is held at 20ºC.

What does “maximum” mean in this passage ?

  1. equal to

  2. slowly

  3. less than

  4. the most

What does “ ordinary” mean in this passage?

  1. unusual

  2. constant

  3. normal

  4. the same

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